chapter 19 (21+)

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i pushed him back against the refrigerator and grabbed him by his collar. "how in the hell are you still alive?" i whispered not wanting to wake any body up. he smirked and put his hand under my chin. i didn't keep my cold stare off of him. "your weak boyfriend only threw me down a building. a cat always lands on his feet." he chuckled and tried kissing me but i kicked him in the stomach.

he kept laughing the more i punched him the more he laughed. i could hear someone waking up. "y-young?" i looked back to see taehyung out of bed and looking at me. i turned back around to see josh gone. i furrowed my eyebrows looking around the room. "young, who are you looking for? and why were you laughing?" i looked at him and went to sit next to him on the bed. "would you think im crazy if i told you... josh came in here?" taehyung stood still.

"he...he was in here?" he asked surprised. i looked at him confused. "don't tell me I'm going crazy." i heard bedsheets move a bit and turned to see jimin up now. he pushed back his hair sighing while looking at me. "baby, why are you up this late? come to bed." he patted the spot besides him. i nodded but looked at taehyung as he whispered. "we'll talk later." i nodded before getting up and quickly attaching myself to Jimin's warm body.

he moaned lightly putting the warm blankets ontop of me. he kissed my head caressing it gently. "night beautiful." i put my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "night baby." he moved a little bit more before falling cold on the mattress. i didn't close my eyes. i stood awake for the rest of the night thinking about what happened.

why must i always be the one to see dead people? can't i never escape from those gruesome thoughts. i looked next to me to see Jimin's face around my chest. i smiled blushing lightly. i pushed some of his hair back. he didn't seem to be awake so i just pecked his fluffy messy hair. i heard his light moans as i massaged his neck while pecking his head.

i felt small pecks on my chest. he tried moving down the covers but i pulled him back up. "jimin everyone's here." i whispered lightly. he pouted not opening his eyes and kissed my nose instead of my mouth. i giggled moving my face a bit down to match with his lips. jimin smiled and went ontop of me not separating our lips.

i moaned, but put my hand on his chest trying to push him back a bit. he didn't budge. instead of moaning his name like i intended too i moaned out josh. i was too busy thinking about how to kill josh that i forgot i was always supposed to give my 100% focus on him. he opened his eyes looking at me at first confused.

"what.. what did you just say." i opened my mouth but he got off of me. he threw the covers off of us. i ran to grab his arm but he obviously didn't seem to be in the mood. he pulled his arm out of my hold and went to the door opening it. "jimin wait! i can explain!" i said quickly. he stopped and glared at me.

my eyes were glossy. he was limping while he was trying to walk away from me. he was forcing himself to actually walk away from me. "babe i didn't mean to say that, i jus-" he grabbed my hand tightly and yanked me out the apartment. i whimpered in pain as he pushed me through the hall to what seemed like another apartment room. he kicked down the door making it unlock.

i widen my eyes as he pushed me in. he slammed close the door. the room was dark and eerie. he knows the dark kills me. i hated it more then anything. i banged on the door. "jimin! please let me out!!" i begged. i heard his body lay against the door as i tried fiddling with the door handle. "jimin!!!!" i pleaded.

i was getting scared. i hated the dark. "b-babe!! i-im s-sorry!!" i was crying now. i heard something move on the other side of the room. i widen my eyes my trembling body couldn't handle it. i banged on the door as loud as i could. "j-jimin p-please!!!! im scared!!!!" he didn't say anything as i kept banging on the door. i heard noise move closer to me.

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