Chapter 42 (21+)

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To give you the results.... It was negative. I happily danced around the room. "I'm not pregnant! I'm not pregnant!" Both bora and taehyung laughed but also looked Very confused. "Can we see the birth control pills you use?" I stopped dancing nodding and going to the drawer on my left. I got out the pills and showed them the box.

Taehyung smacked my head making me whine. "Can you read!? The box says the pill lasts up untill a week or two." I ohhed but still cheered. They both sighed sitting down on the bed. I smiled happily. "Okay want to talk about something?" I asked still very happy about the results.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Sure, name a topic." I hummed. "oh remember when we went sledding together and you thought that girl on tracks was cute?" He nodded. "Well guess what? That was saren!" He widen his eyes before bursting out laughing. "You still talk to that bitch?" I shaked my head. "No but I remember what big of a crush you had on that mystery girl."

He fake threw up making me laugh. I then looked at bora as she listened laughing at taes reaction. "Bora, tell him what I told you." She then looked at me confused before ohhing and laughing. " Okay so we think you and that girl young and I caught you making out with would be so cute together!"

She squealed. Taehyung laughed lightly. "Really? Why?" I smiled grabbing his hand. "She's so energetic and she seemed so friendly! Ohh can you call her and ask if she wants to be our friend!?" I asked. Taehyung chuckled. "I'm sorry youngie, but she has a boyfriend and I don't think he wants her coming over here anymore. Im pretty sure he blocked my number on her phone."

I pouted awwing. "Do you still have her number?" He hummed taking his phone out. "Let me check... Oh yeah I do." We both grabbed his phone and called the number. Tae laughed.

We put it on speaker. "I don't think she's going to-" "hello?" We widen our eyes. "Hi! This is taehyungs friends the dude who you hooked up with and we just wanted to know if you'd like to hang out sometime?" I said happily. She hummed. "Have we met before?" I looked at taehyung as he laughed. "Yes actually remember the two girls who stumbled upon you two making out?" She then ohhed. "so that's who you guys are. Okay yeah sure, I'm free anytime this week." Taehyung seemed surprised.

"Okay cool! See you Thursday?" I asked. She hummed. "That's fine, see you where?" She asked cluelessly. "If you don't mind at our house." She hummed softly. "I don't know if i-.... Sure. I'll see you then." We both hanged up and then we squealed hugging each other. Taehyung wowed surprised.

I handed him back his friend. "time to get us a new friend and you a girlfriend." I winked at him. He chuckled. "Youngie, I don't want a girlfriend. I like sleeping with random girls." I hummed and hugged him tightly. "are you sure? I bet this could work if we tried?" He hummed nodding kissing my forehead.

"I love you and all, but I don't want to be in a relationship." I smiled. "Okay that's fine, no girlfriend got it." He chuckled hugging me. "Dude I don't get how you and all the guys get so close to you like this. Does it not make jimin uncomfortable? Especially since he kissed your forehead."

Me and tae backed away. "Bora Bora bora, it's not weird. We've doing this since we were little kids. If you want me to be honest. Me Jungkook and tae all used to take baths together as kids. Its not weird anymore at least." Bora looked surprised. "Really?" I nodded. "We all grew up together dummy, were okay with anything as long as were being respectful of the others boundaries."

Taehyung nodded lightly patting my head. "Don't get worked up about young liking Jungkook, she likes big men." I burst out laughing while bora laughed too. Bora lightly hit taes thigh. The door opened which let us all look. I smiled seeing namjoon and Jungkook.

"Joeun is eating dinner and asking where you are." I hummed nodding while getting off the bed. "Hey young." I turned my head to look at Jungkook. "Could we talk?" I hummed a sure. Everyone disappered from the room.

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