Chapter 2 (21+)

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"who the hell are you?" she demanded. jimin got up now and look at the woman standing in the doorway. his expression automatically turning to serious. "what the fuck are you doing here? and how the fuck did you get in this house." I just started confused at the woman in front of me. she looked like me in the morning. and bitch damn I look ugly.

she lightly smirked and leaned against the doorway. " I just came back to get my reward from today." she bit her lip back but I barely noticed that since sickening thoughts revolved in my head. I turned to jimin and glared at him. "where did you go today." I asked straight forwarded. he looked at me surprised at my sudden question and moved closer to me but I moved back with my arms folded.

"baby I went to the movies remember." I furrowed my eyebrows. "didn't your friends say you were going to play games today?" he widens his eyes and his face got slightly red from embarrassment. "did you cheat on me?" my voice slightly cracked when I felt my tears wanting to come down. he looked and was about to answer but the lady behind me did first.

"obviously. no one wants an ugly bitch like you." she laughs. I turned and punched. she fell back and seemed surprised. her lips were cut now from how hard I punched her and her mouth was dripping out blood. I turned back to jimin and he seemed scared. as I moved towards him he moved back shortly landing against the wall. I moved closer to him leaving only an inch between our body's.

"tell me the truth. did you, or did you not cheat on me." he looked at me straight in the eye. no emotions were being leaked. but his body language was making me unsure. "baby, no, of course, I didn't cheat on you." he put his arms around my waist and leaned me against his chest. "don't you trust me?" I hummed lightly. " I do. I do trust you." he sighed and kissed my head. "I'm sorry I lied too you. it's just my friends can be dickheads and talk about the strip club in front of you."

I back away pushing him off. "you went to the STRIP CLUB!" "Yeah, you dumb bitch! that's why I need my money NOW!" the woman yelled getting up and rushing towards me to try and fight. I kick her back making her land against the door. I was honestly tired of this bullshit. I grabbed her by her shirt and lifted her up as she seemed now bruised and about to pass out. "talk one more time skank and I swear to god." I said with fire in my eyes. she stopped talking and I looked at jimin.

he looked at me now. that emotion in his eyes made me calm down. I slowly realized he was scared. but not just normally scared of anything. he was scared of me. I let go of the girl while looking at the bed and heard a thump. the girl must've been too weak to stand up. I looked at jimin now.

"jimin... you got mad at me today for robbing with jungkook and you lost your trust in me I got that and I completely understand. but then, you go to a strip club and see other half-naked woman and hide that from me! you weren't even planning on fucking telling me! I had to find out through this random bitch coming through the door!!"

he looked at me and opened his mouth, but then closed it when he didn't have anything to say. I sighed and then looked at the girl on the floor. I picked her up and dragged her to our apartment door opening the door and throwing her into the hallway before locking the apartment door with a key. I then walked back to jimin and closed our bedroom door.

he was still looking at me. "speak." I demanded. "you made me go through hell today jimin. I thought I was the only one who did something wrong but obviously not. so defend yourself. tell me why you did that?" he sighed and walked towards me. "stop." I said as he walked closer to me. he kept walking ignoring my demands.

he put me against the wall and put his arms against both of my sides. I glared into his eyes. those soft...brown chocolate eyes... the ones I love and... before I knew it I got into his spell once again and had my lips a centimeter away from his lips. I moved back quickly realizing what I was doing. he looked at me with an upset expression. "baby listen. I'm gonna say this once and only once."

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