chapter 17 (21+)

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                                                                          Jimins POV

               i got the kid to the house and left him with the other 6 men downstairs. i went upstairs happy to finally rest for a bit. i took off my shoes and placed them neatly outside my door before going inside and closing it. i sighed throwing off my jacket and going to get a glass of wine. i poured myself a cup before leaning against the counter looking around the apartment. 

             i put my lips on the glass and drink slowly from it. i had to many things in my mind. the only thing i was still concerned about was josh. young dosent seem to be worried at all. after i asked her to marry me she stopped becoming so worried, and i don't know why. 

         before i could process anything else i remembered the ring. "shit." i muttered. i put down my glass and grabbed my car keys from off the counter. i ran outside the apartment locking it, putting on my shoes before walking downstairs. i saw joeun playing hide and seek with the other guys. except for yoongi who was secretly smiling at him as he counted. 

                 "hey squirt im leaving to get somethin-" he ran almost like flash to me. "can i go!" he asked. i looked at him surprised. "uhm.. sure?" he screamed jumping up and down. "okay, go get into the car." he nodded running out the house. i sighed before looking at suga. "hey, tell the others to come out hiding so they don't look stupid." he hummed nodding focusing on fixing youngs watch. 

             i put him on that task weeks ago. but young dosent care much about the watch, so i am trying to become patient. i sighed before walking out closing the door. i went inside the car and started it before closing the door. i sighed laying back on my seat. "do you love my cousin?" i turned towards the little kid confused. "what?"

           i asked. "do you love my cousin?" the sudden question surprised me. "well yeah. your cousin is amazing, and well...she's everything to me. that's why were going to get her a ring." he widen his eyes and smiled. "you're proposing to her!" i smiled. "i already did kid. just need the ring." he wowed. i nodded  before getting out of park and driving out. 

          we drove out to the ring shop and went inside. i saw many expensive rings, but none of them seemed to be fitting to what young would like. i mean, i know her. she's my fiancé now. i smiled inside my head. that beautiful girl is my fiancé. still can't believe it.....

         as i remembered the scent and smile of my beautiful girl joeun pulled on my sleeve. "hyung look." he pointed to a ring that was in the middle of the room. i went up to it and widen my eyes. the ring was sliver in all sides, with what looked like a real Dimond in the middle. "wow....good choice kid." he smiled and nodded as i rubbed his head. 

            i walked up to the cashier and asked her about the ring. she looked at me and gave me a warm smile. first time I've ever seen that from a stranger. "the ring is an oldie. many great people of honor have worn it. that's why it's so expensive." i nodded. "and how exactly much is it?" she looked at her screen, and slightly put down her smile. 

        "so...uh the total will be $100,000.." i hummed and handed her my credit card. "Here." she looked at me surprised. "o-oh y-yeah." she grabbed it and swiped it buying the ring. she gave me my card back and gave me a small receipt which i just told hold as the girl went over to the ring holder and opened it. she handed it to me in a black furry box. and then into another wrapping.

           i sighed leaning against the counter. i felt my phone vibrate and got it. i sighed seeing one of my employees call me. i answered while grabbing the ring and bowing to the lady thanking her as i grabbed joeun by his small hand and pulled him out. i got him in the back and put the ring next to me on the seat. 

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