chapter 3 (21+)

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now that the morning was over jimin was bringing me home. i was holding his hand while he drove us home. i was looking at his phone too see what he usually does. literally call people on his phone... all... DAY! i looked at my contact name on his phone and saw it was some shit like 'sexybaby🐰' i looked at him with a frown.

"yah, why is my name in here as sexybaby?" he laughed when he heard the name. "why? you don't like it?" i shaked my head looking back at my contact. "you make me sound like a slut." he chuckles and kissed my hand. "well, you're my beautiful slut." i hit his thigh making him laugh. "i am not a slut. i am yours, but just not clarifying me as a slut." he chuckled and let go of my hand putting it around my shoulder, lightly massaging it.

"oh yeah? then what are you too me?" i looked at him with widen eyes. "park jimin." i warned and he laughed removing his arm. "im serious. what are you too me in your words." i sighed and shrugged. "i dont know... girlfriend." He rolled his eyes while turning a right. "You are stupid." he mumbled. I widen my eyes and looked at him. "Did you just call m-" "yup and i'll say it again." I hit his middle making him stop the car and groan for abit.

"You Dick head. Don't call me stupid." He looked at me now and glared with fire in his eyes as the car behind us started beeping their horns when we wouldn't move. "call me that again and watch what happens." he warned. i decided not test him, considering our situation. i looked away and sighed.

he kissed his teeth before moving the car again. "that's what i fucking thought." i rolled my eyes looking outside the black tinted windows. the rest of the ride was quiet. the only noise we made was when he started lecturing me on asking for things nicely because i fucking wanted my phone back since he was holding it in his pocket for some reason.

but besides that, we were more quiet then usual. jimin stopped in front of a building. i scrunched my eyebrows, before widening my eyes. this is yooksu's house. i looked at jimin as he just started straight at the house. "go." i scrunched my eyebrows and looked at him confused. he was now leaning against the steering wheel not letting his stare away from the house.

"go inside and stay inside." i was even more confused. "jimin no. why? i am so confused." he then sighed and ruffled his hair while putting on his hoodie. "stay confused. just go inside and don't bother coming home." i was now hurt and confused. "jimin, why are you acting like this." i was scared he was gonna start yelling. but he didn't. he kept speaking softly. "im tired of us being good one second, and the next fighting over some stupid shit."

he sighed. "just go with him and be happy im not going to bother you anymore." i sighed and laid against my hand. "you really are dumb." he glared at me which made me laugh. "you really think that just because we fight, were not meant to be?" he stayed quiet looking back at the steering wheel. "well when you put it like that..." i interrupted putting my hand on his cheek. "baby. we both have difference in a opinion. so what? me going to yooksu' s house isn't even going to change our views on things."

he nodded. "i know. that's why i want you to leave me. for him." he mumbled. i looked at him. he wasn't going to understand unless he actually had a reason too. and for that i had a perfect reason for him. i touched the car auto drive and put in the direction towards our house. once i finsihed i looked at jimin who seemed dull and dead as he just kept looking towards the house. i pushed jimin back and he looked at me confused and upset. i got ontop of his lap as the car started.

i straddled his lap with my legs and looked at his now sadden eyes. i frowned and slightly moved his hair out of his eyes. "baby, come on. your supposed to be my confident, beautiful man. why are you acting so insecure all of a sudden?" before he answered i quickly said something. "and don't say some shit like your not fit for me, or you dont deserve me because i will rip your head off." just like i wanted he chuckled.

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