Chapter 37 (21+)

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(sorry this chapter took me so long! I promise it won't happen again...maybe 😅)

Jimin and I sighed laying against each other on the sofa. I whispered into jimins ear a light murmer. He moaned. "yeah, baby that sounds good." I nodded laying my head on his shoulder." It does sound very good." I agreed.

I looked at him and sighed. "Baby, we can't stay in this hotel forever u know." He nodded, seemingly trying to take in what I said. "I know we can't. But I'm not going back to talk to that piece of shit." I sighed and sat next to him. "We don't have to talk to anyone, we can just go back home and.... Grab our stuff." I mumbled.

He looked at me. " U want to move out? Now?" He asked. I didn't look at him. "We... If it makes u happy, I'll be happy. I just want to be in a place where no one will judge us or make us do stupid things to prove ourselfs to them." He looked at me as I continued. "I love you more then anything, anyone and anywhere. I always say that ur the love of my life. So... If u want to move out, we'll move out."

Once I was done I looked at him. He smiled. "I love you." He grabbed me gently and kissed me. I kissed back enjoying our long passionate kiss. He moved back a bit and kissed my neck softly. "Baby, I know that right now isn't really the best time to move with all that's going on but...I've been thinking."

I hummed curiously moving closer to him. "How about we take the guys to live with us, at our new connected Mansions." I looked at him confused. "Connected Mansions? What does that mean baby?" He smiled. "that we'll all live together. "But we'll each have our own big house that's all connected to each other by hallways."

I widen my eyes sitting up. "Wait, really!?" I yelled feeling really excited. He chuckled nodding. "And guess what beautiful? I bought us a boat to sail away on any time. Away from everything and everyone. Just us two." I smiled having tears swell up in my eyes. "Babe, I can't accept that." I sniffled as he hugged me.

He frowned. "Don't start with that shit. I already told u that I'm paying for everything. And all that money u gave me is in for in case of an emergency. I'm paying for anything and everything my wonderful queen wants."

I lifted my head and looked at him straight in the eye. "jimin, stop wasting all this money. Baby I don't want something to happen to us because of all the money ur spending especially on something as stupid as m-" he interruptted by kissing me.

He pulled back. "Shut up and trust me. My money is yours. Let me spoil u my queen." I sighed but eventually gave in. As jimin and I happily hugged each other my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a message from my cousin.

Ilhon🥰❤️: can u call me for a second?

I texted back a confused okay. I told jimin before calling him. He picked up. "What wrong? Are u okay?" I asked. He hummed. "Yeah, nothings wrong. I just thought that would be the only way u would call quickly." I let out a breath.

"You idiot! I thought you were hurt or something!" I yelled at him. He chuckled. "But hey, recently my girlfriends birthday passed and because I wasn't there to celebrate it with her I want to give her something. What do you think she'll like?" He asked.

Jimin got up going to wash our clothes in our own washing machines. "What does she usaully like?" I asked while playing with my nails. "Clothes. She very into fashion." I then smiled. "You know what I'm going to do for you cousin?" He hummed. "I'm going to buy everything I know she'll like for you. And buy some stuff for you and the rest of my family too." I said excitedly.

I heard him stay quiet. "Are you serious? You would do that for me?" I smiled. "duh, I love you." I heard him ew which made me laugh. "I would but.... That's litterally like stealing your money, I can't." I smiled. "it's okay, I have plenty. I want to go shopping anyways. So ill have plenty of time to buy somethings for you guys."

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