Chapter 44 (21+)

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            young just kept laying on my lap. she didn't get off me. and i didn't mind. jin came inside the room and looked at me. "hey, i was just wondering if we you want us to take our new shipments downstairs or not." i nodded. "try to be careful though. there really heavy." jin nodded and then looked at young. she just started off into the distance. 

           jin was going to say something but then shut his mouth quickly leaving. i guess he remembered the bet. i sighed carrassing young's hair back. she shivered but let me continue. "jimin." i hummed. she turned and looked at me. "i know you're still mad at me, but can i ask a question." i sighed and moved back against the headboard. "go ahead." she nodded. 

            "are you... are you s-" she stopped talking and i could see her cheeks burning up. i furrowed my eyebrows. "just say it." i said confused. she sighed and looked away. "do you get mad at me when you uhm.. when you uhm come... quickly." i widen my eyes a bit. i didn't realize she noticed that too. 

            she looked at me but quickly looked away. why was she so scared to look at me. "no i don't get mad at you when i- what made you think that?" i asked lightly. she shrugged. "i just... you just move away from me every time it happens, and i get scared that you get mad at me for it." i smiled softly and pulled her onto me. "get mad at you for having an amazingly, tight pussy babygirl? why would i get mad at you for that?"  

         she blushed and shrugged. i softly sighed. "i dont get mad at you, i just get upset at myself. i like pleasuring you, but recently I've been coming so quickly." she nodded gently. "don't get upset, i like when you cum. also i always come with you." i hummed and played with her hair. "why did you get so nervous to ask me?" she hummed lightly and looked at me in my eyes. "because im at a thin line right now, i didn't want to make you mad."

                i looked at her and pressed my lips against hers. she was caught off guard but happily kissed me back. we both kissed enjoying each others mouths. i put my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. she put her arms around my neck bringing me closer to her. i didn't want to stop. so i didn't. i put her on the bed and kissed her until i felt like we couldn't breathe. 

                  i moved back panting as she did too. we both just looked at each other not saying anything. i put my arm around her waist. "you are my everything baby. i love you, and i won't blame you ever for anything that i know wasn't your fault. do you understand?" she nodded having tears well up in her beautiful brown eyes. 

                  "i love you too jimin." i smiled gently and kissed her all over her face as she giggled kissing me back. "okay, im not mad anymore. but i guess were going to have to make another promise because the first one didn't work." she hummed and sat up nodding. "okay, do you park young promise to never make another joke, or at least try to restrain yourself when you want to make a joke." 

              she nodded grabbing my hand kissing where my ring was. "i do." i smiled softly and brought her into my arms. "and do you park jimin promise to never say stuff about other women to me again." i kissed her head and then grabbed her hand kissing her palm and ring finger as she chuckled. "i do." she hummed. we both smiled looking at each other. 

              i tried pecking her lips, but since she had the same idea we hit our foreheads together. we both burst out laughing holding our head in pain. "idiot, i was going to kiss you." i chuckled. "i was going to do it baby." she laughed cutely before putting her arms around my neck and kissing me. i smiled kissing her back. 

                                                                                                           young's pov

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