Chapter 26 (21+)

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           young and i had arrived home with hickeys and ripped clothes. let's just say we were doing some stuff in this jet's bedroom. she was dead asleep in my arms. she was so cute. when we went through the door though there was a ranging hell of things happening. i looked around to see woman all over the place. from up the stairs to into the kitchen. some even on the couch making out. 

        music was playing and there was a couple of the drug dealing bankers here as well as the other members. young woke up and groaned. "let's go upstairs." she yawned. i smiled seeing her so tired. "lets go." before we could go someone grabbed my hand pulling me back. i glared at that person.  

             "sup new daddy, ready to party?" she bit her lip while looking at me up and down. i just started at her. young groaned when she saw i wasn't moving. she lifted her head and then looked at the girl. she raised her eyebrow looking at her up and down. "he's mine." she growled like the cute possessive girl that i owe my life too. 

         i smiled at her kissing her cheek. the girl looked at young and smiled, and then giggled. young didn't look like she was having it. "but i want him. and plus the other daddy's are with other girls. maybe...we can all have fun." i laughed into young's neck as i felt her vein pop out against my mouth. 

          she got off me and went in front of the girl. "go away. ill tell you this for the last time." she smiled but what she did next caught me off guard. 

                                                                                 young's POV

            she kissed jimin. i widen my eyes and pushed her back punching the shit out of her. she fell back and got knocked off conscious. i then sighed trying to calm down. i turned to jimin and saw how surprised he looked. i looked at his mouth and saw her lip stick stain. he pulled me to his comfort. "im sorry i didn't know she would do that i-" "you're fine Babyboy. but once we get upstairs your gonna eat your baby out and get the taste of me instead of her disgusting mouth got it?"

            jimin bit his lip back. he kissed my neck a couple times. "fuck you're so hot." he picked me up and i smiled kissing him. i shoved my tounge down the back of his throat. he moaned pulling my face closer to his. I moved back tho to wipe his lips with my tounge.

          Jimin chuckled as I then back away lightly wiping the places I licked to clean up that disgusting lip mark. He smiled and kissed me softly. I moaned jumping on him. As we made out we both heard a loud gasp. I turned around to see taehyung and a half naked girl around his waist. "Oh shit. Hi."

      I waved at him as I laid on jimin. "yo, you guys are cleaning up after this right?" He nodded as the girl started to kiss his neck. "Yeah don't worry. Im just go take care of something." He said bringing the giggling girl upstairs.

      Jimin rolled his eyes before moving my Chin to look at him again. I smiled and connected our mouths again. We enjoyed each other's mouth letting our tounges touch. jimin started get more wild and put his hands down my pants. i moaned and grinded myself against his hand. i started to lightly whimper when he put me against the wall and moved his hand in me. i squeaked a bit biting his lip. 

        jimin groaned when i let my thigh carrase his cock. he moved his hand and instead focused more on kissing me. he plastered me against the wall making sure our lips didn't separate. he moved back and breathlessly whispered into my ear. "go upstairs into our bed. i want you naked once i get there beautiful." i bit my lip as i felt his boner. i was already dripping wet. 

            i gave him one last kiss before jumping down his lap and walking upstairs. i saw jimin just stare at my ass with a smirk. i went into our room and did exactly what he asked. i laid down on the bed. i got my phone and put on music to drown out the loud annoying one downstairs. as i put on the music on my phone i saw Jimin's phone turn on. 

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