Chapter 47 (21+)

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    Yesterday was Bora's birthday. we spent it all together in a restaurant that she picked. that night was amazing. we all had so much fun. jimin and I just laid in bed taking turns in giving each other massages before looking over at the music playing outside of our room. in came dancing jhope and jungkook. 

            we both chuckled at there dancing. we were all dancing together now, which was really fun. "guess what time it is~" jhope said while bopping his head to the music. jimin and i laughed playfully rolling our eyes. "ok, wait outside for us to get changed." hoseok rolled his eyes. "Just get changed, I've seen you both naked before." jimin looked at me and raised an eyebrow. 

              i laugh blushing. "he walked in when i was changing when we were younger." jimin chuckled and kissed my head. "fine whatever." we both changed quickly before going with them to the room where we all had fun. it was honestly the most fun I've had in a while, and i think they could all agree. 

            in the middle of one of our usual stretch's jin came into the room. he look distressed. "guy's taehyung need's your help." we all looked at each other before racing out to go see what's happening. in the middle of the living room taehyung was beating the shit out of some guy. i wanted to pull him away because the guy already passed out but jimin held me back. 

            "let him get out his anger baby." he whispered. i looked at jimin and just drew my arms around his waist. He sighed and patted my head. He gave me one peck on my head. We just watched as Taehyung beat him to death. No one did anything. We just watched. 

           Hoseok grabbed the body and decided to get rid of it himself instead of letting Taehyung beat a Already dead body. He panted and sighed looking at the ground. He then left upstairs upset. Jimin looked at me." Ill talk to him." I nodded and gave him a peck. "ill be inside The nurses office." He nodded before leaving. 

             I sighed. Today was the last day. The results day. I was happy and upset at the same time to know what it was. I didn't want to know but at the same time I did. I went inside the nurses office and saw no one inside. I just waited for a couple minutes before seeing the nurse walk in. She smiled seeing me and greeted me. 

          I greeted her back patiently waiting. "I have very good news, and some bad news for you." I hummed anxiously waiting. she opened a folder and looked at a document. "I have two good news for you. Ill tell you the most exciting one at the end." I smiled and nodded. "first, it was reveled in a brain scan that something is happening in your optimal lobe."

           She rubbed a part of my head. "you have a disorder named rapid eye movement. Every night you need to take 2 or 3 pills. The disorder fuels your vivid memory's and because of some underlying stress that you're going through it was harder for you to get normal dreams. All those night mares came from your pilling up anxiety."

              She grabbed a bottle of pills and smiled handing them to me. "What about how I predicted what happened without even seeing it?" She ahed. "for that I have an explanation. half of your brain was always awake consuming what you heard while you slept. You took in what happened and told yourself it was all just a dream." 

            I hummed nodding letting it make much more sense. "how about when I predicted a situation I was in?" I asked. She hummed. "for that one I don't have an explanation for besides coincidence. But for it to all happen in a row is too small to be a coincidence." I nodded. "I don't know but ill have to research more for that." I smiled nodding. 

      "okay for the bad news." She sighed. "we want to conduct a test on you if you don't mind. We want to have you live by yourself for 2-3 days to see if your dreams decrease without the pills, without anything." I hummed and shrugged. "okay." I smiled. She hummed but got up and closed the door. 

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