chapter 28 (21+)

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I glared at jimin my patience gone. "you don't even know her! How are you gonna talk bad about someone you don't even know!" I yelled at him tired of him going after my mom. Yes I was mad at her but there was no reason for him to be acting like it's okay to call her a ungiving whore. Again.

"So your just gonna pretend that litterally all the fucking money you gave to her she didn't just waste all on getting a rich new fucking husband! She even has a whole wedding and your not fucking invited!"

I kept my tears in my eyes. "Also this woman that I don't fucking know is the damn witch that faked her own death so she could fucking sacrifice you and let your father kill you!" I couldn't hold in my tears. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it. "You know what jimin fuck off." I wiped my tears.

"Your not a good husband for me anyways." I laid on the opposite side of him and sheded tears. I didn't hear him move. After a couple seconds he moved towards me. He snuggled in bed and holded me to his chest while I cried.

"Under stand babygirl. She doesn't love you. You know what love is because I know for a fact you feel it with me, because I feel it with you. We know what love is. Your mother. Dosen't love you. She's a cold bitch. That's why at the park she told you to stay away."

I cried harder hearing the truth spill out from my lovers lips. He was right. Everytime we argued about this I knew he was right. I never had anything to argue back with. Only that she was my mother. But even with that I couldn't help her.

"Baby look at me." He slightly moved my Chin to look at him. "The man sitting right here knows how to love you, I don't give a fuck about your mom. She deserves hell. Deep down you know she does too." I nodded looking down a bit. "I just wish it wasnt like this. I want a mom. She was the only thing I had left of my parents."

He slightly smiled grabbing my hands and intertwining our fingers making me look at him. "Baby were so similar in ways we don't even realize. The same thing happened to me remember? My mom got strangled and my know what."

He carrassed my hair back. "You won't miss her. Trust me. It's better off this way anyways." I nodded sighing and laying against him. "Stay happy my love." He whispered. He had his hot breath against my ear pecking my cheek softly.

I lightly smiled and carrassed his cheek with my thumb. "I love you, thank you for helping me." He hummed softly laying ontop of me. "No problem beautiful. Now take a nap and later we can go out to a theater or whatever other couples do."

I smiled excited. "Really!" He smiled. "only if you fall asleep." I hummed pouting. "Fine dummy." I kissed him and then laid under the covers letting myself fall asleep in ease.

1 hour later

"Wake up! There's a fire!" I got up terrified."WHAT!" I screamed. I then Heard laughter. I sighed and pushed back my hair. I looked to see taehyung with my blurry eyesight. "your annoying." I sighed. I laid back on the bed. He smiled climbing ontop of me.

"Ohhh young~" he smirked and winked while I looked at him confused. All of a sudden jimin came in. He glared at taehyung while I widen my eyes. "get the fuck off my girlfriend." He warned. I pushed taehyung off and scrambled to be next to him.

Jimin put his arm protectively over me. Taehyung laughed. "sorry she was going on to me. She was flirting again." Before I could say anything jimin grabbed taehyung by the collar as he laughed again. "I would murder the both of you. Don't fucking flirt with her again." He dropped taehyung who skillfully landed on his feet this time.

I pouted hearing his threat. "You would kill me?" I asked Innocently. He looked at me and rolled his eyes hitting my head. I furrowed my eyebrows annoyed at his rude manner. "If you keep flirting yes. The only way I need to murder you is in bed. You'd die of not having enough air."

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