Chapter 35 (21+)

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"dear beloved, we are here today to celebrate the drawing together of two lives, we've come so that this man jimin, and this woman young may be untied in marrige, this commitment is not to be enterd light but with certinatly mutual respect, sense of honor, and eternality.."

"young, im happy im the man you choose today to be standing here with you. when you first came into my life i thought you were just a distraction from my already set goals. but no, you were the only thing i needed to get me out of that hell of a life i had. i can't wait for you to be the mother of our unborn children, even through your faults you still make up the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with. whether your 19 or 100, i will always love you."

"jimin, to the man who wrapped me around his little fingers. im so happy to be spending the rest of my life with you. i know were getting married young, but i know that your the only person i want to ever be with. your the man i want to see when i wake up in the morning or when i go back to sleep at night. i want to be with you for as long as i can. im madly in love with you park jimin. i hope you will always know that."

i see the tears sweal up in my familys and friends faces. i've felt more happy then i am knowing that the man i've always fought for is finaly mine. well he 's always been mine, but know we got the rings to prove it.

"jimin do you take young as your beloved wife, to have this day foreward, for better or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health to love and to cherish; from this day foreward untill do you apart"

"i do"

"young do you take jimin as your beloved husband, to have this day foreward, for better or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health to love and to cherish; from this day foreward untill do you apart"

"i do"

"you may now kiss the bride."

that was the video that we replayed over 7 times now. we still couldn't beleive we got married to each other. being so young as well. but i didn't care, i wanted to be with him, and if i had to give up everything else for him, i would in a heartbeat. i love this man. more then anything. and i know he loves me too.

we stood happily naked under the covers hugging each other while drinking cold margaritas from two straws in one cup. i cried each time watching our wedding video. jimin cuddled me and smiled. "i can finally show the world that your mine." i smiled and pulled him onto me loving his touch.

"i love you so so so much. im so happy we decided to get married sooner." he smiled. "me too beautiful. me too." we both cuddled quietly before turning off the lights and making love to each other again. we soon fell asleep ontop of each other before waking up to the sun gleaming on us. i got up first enjoying our honey moon. tommroow is our last day. we've been in hawai for about a week now. im sad its ending but im know that he will still be with me even if he has to back to work.

i opened the curtains still standing naked. i didn't mind as long as no one else but jimin saw. i went to the other one and opened it making jimin lightly groan. i went to the bathroom and washed my face before turning on the hot tub. i heard jimins light groans and heard the bed squeak meaning he got up.

he came inside the bathroom and carried me up getting inside the hot tub with me. i smiled gently and laid my head against his shoulder. we washed our selfs before getting out and drying ourselfs. i just put on my under wear and bra since i didn't really care to use anything else. jimin only wore his boxers as we were now in the living room. jimin was watching tv while i made breakfast.

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