Chapter 40 (21+)

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        jimin and me were in bed for maybe an hour or two just snuggling eating and watching movies together before i heard joeun come inside the room. i looked at him as he jumped onto the bed with us. i covered myself up as well as covered jimin because we were half naked. we didn't have sex but we made out for a little bit causing into us taking some clothes off. 

          joeun had a huge grin on his face. "can i sleep with you guys tonight?" he asked cutely. i looked at jimin as he groaned lightly. i hit his chest softly. "sure, but you have to fall asleep once we tell you too okay?" he yayed and nodded furiously which made us laugh.

       He watched TV as it started to get into a sex scene. Jimin quickly changed it and pretended he just did because he was bored. I laid on jimin kissing his shoulder to just to his neck leaving a tiny hickey. He smiled carassing my head. "Noonaaa~" joeun whines. I hummed looking at him.

        "Stop kissing Hyung! He wants to be a big boy not a wussy." I laughed as he folded his arms. I hummed sitting ontop of jimin and put my arms around his neck still covering us with the blanket. "Baby want to be a 'big boy' or have me keep kissing you?"

        He hummed smiling. "Kiss." He pecked my lips making me giggled and kiss him more. Joeun ewed. "You guys are sinning! And I'm telling my mom." We both looked at joeun as I laid my head on jimins chest. "Then I'll have no choice but to make jimin my favorite person in the whole wide world." Jimin intertwined our hands.

         Joeun pouted. "Nooooo! Okay, I wont tell." I giggled and kissed his forehead but he wiped it off. I now frowned. "Joeun don't take seriously what jimin said, he was kidding. Now stop wiping my kisses off your forehead, it makes me sad." I said pouting.

        Joeun sighed and nodded. "Okay noona. Sorry." I smiled and lightly carrassed his head. "you're okay." Jimin looked for a cartoon show while I hugged my cousin. "Can I get under the blankie? I'm cold." I hummed. "Turn around for me please." He looked confused but did it anyways. Jimin put on my shirt and his before kissing my nose. I grinned.

        "Okay now come under the blanket." He hummed as I hugged him. He hugged me back comfortably. We stayed quiet watching cartoons for a little while. I saw jimin look at me and joeun and pout. I looked at him and smiled gently moving my head to his head crook. "Later I'll cuddle you baby, let joeun fall asleep first."

         He nodded but still pouted. I rolled my eyes and give him small but helpful kisses. He moaned pecking me back. we both moved back when joeun moved a little bit. he then finally sit still. i shaked my head before facing back to the tv. jimin put his arm around my waist pulling me closer. i giggled as he kissed my collarbone up to my neck. 

            slowly i let go of joeun and let him rest peacefully. i went on top of jimin and kissed him. jimin smiled thankful for the attention. i let my hand rest on his chest. he moved back and looked at me with his curious eyes. "are you okay?" i furrowed my eyebrows. "yeah, why?" i asked confused. he shrugged. 

                "you weren't in the mood today, and it's not that im worried why you dont want to have sex i get that part. it's just that you pushed me away at the simple act of me touching you somewhere other then your face." i hummed and laid my head on his chest. "it's nothing baby, don't worry about it." he looked at me. 

            "so it is something, why else would you tell me not to worry about it." i sighed and kissed his cheek. "I'm okay baby, really." he looked at me. he stared at me for 3 seconds before sighing. "okay, if you say so." i smiled gently. "why you insecure about something?" i asked hinting about what i said today about his friend. he looked away and shaked his head. 

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