Chapter 43 (21+)

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       While we changed I could heard jimin singing. he kept singing. i smiled and went behind him hugging his waist. i kissed his shoulders to his neck. he chuckled. "your voice is so nice, baby." he turned towards me and brought me closer to his waist quickly. i laughed lightly. "thank you baby." he pecked my lips moving his arms to my ass. 

          i hummed. my legs were still a little wobblily. "would you carry me to the car baby." i said with a smile and a guilt tripping pout. he nodded picking me up. "of course beautiful." i smiled and pecked his cheeks while putting my phone in my pocket. i kissed him as he looked at his phone taking us downstairs. 

           he chuckled and gave me a peck while i sunk back into his chest. once we got downstairs bora and jungkook were just waiting for us downstairs. "hi Mr. 3 out of 100." jungkook looked at me and lifted his hand making me flinch. bora laughed putting his hand down by holding it. "okay so are we going in your car?" jungkook asked looked at jimin. "yeah, your car is the shop remember." he laughed and ohhed. 

       we all we went into jimins car. me and bora were in the back while jimin and jungkook were in the front. bora and i had small talk before she gasped looking outside and pulled my arm to look. i widen my eyes as my mouth dropped. "wow..." it was a tall 6'2 ft looking guy. he had nice black hair, and he had such a nice body figure. bora quickly took a picture of him obviously as intrigued in him as much as i was. 

             i looked up to see jimin and jungkook talking to each other. i looked at the picture bora took. i laughed. "send that to me." she nodded. "dude, look at his muscles." i looked at his shirt and saw you could see his v-line. "look at that v-line." i whispered just looking at it. "he was hot." bora and i both agreed on it.  

            "hey maybe that could be seowons new boyfriend." i offered. bora hummed. "or mine.." i widen my eyes before bursting out laughing. "wow, you would drop jungkook for him?" bora laughed shaking her head. "of course not, but i would definitely consider it." i laughed. 

         jungkook turned around to look at us. i at first thought he heard us but he couldn't have. "you guys see that guy too right?" we both looked at where he was pointing and it was the same guy we were gushing about. we both looked at jungkook and nodded. "doesn't he seem like an idiot? i mean who the hell where's only a t-shirt and jeans when its literally fucking raining." bora and i looked at each other and then looked at the guy again. 

               his shirt was wet and now see through. i just stared at his abs. "wo- yeah you're right. what an idiot." i agreed quickly. bora looked at me before nodding. the car then finally left, but not before i got another picture. me and bora just looked at it and laughed. "hes like literally what i used to imagine my boyfriend would look like." i nodded. "samee, but he's like better then what i was thinking."

              bora and i kept talking about him before we got to the hangout spot in the mall we usually go too. me and jimin sat next to each other as did jungkook and bora. i just kept looking at my phone. i was more interested on why i found him so attractive then anything. i defiantly found jimin better looking then him, but like he could definitely compete. 

               what i wasn't realizing was that jimin was talking to me. "young?" i raised my head quickly. "yes?" i asked. jimin furrowed his eyebrows and leaned over my shoulder to try and look at my phone. i tilted it away from him clicking on a random game. he looked at the screen and hummed kissing my shoulder. 

            "sorry i wasn't listening. tell me what you were saying again" he nodded and started ranting about how the mafia leaders weren't listening to when he was talking, and it frustrated him when he had to become the 'scary one' to get them to listen. i nodded listening. "what i think you should do baby is-" my phone beeped. i looked at my phone confused and picked it up. 

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