Chapter 31 (21+)

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"You sure you gonna be able to pretend your not my girlfriend for a whole day?" Jimin asked as I got myself ready for the stupid dare jhope gave me for leaving him at the mall to get ice cream. "Yeah." I sighed. He smiled and pecked my lips before moving back.

Taehyung grabbed jimins hand and brought him to the door. "We're gonna go smoke weed and find prostitutes have fun young!" Taehyung closed the door and I widen my eyes quickly getting up and running to stop them. I opened the door and saw the two standing their with a smirk on their face. "You failed already." Namjoon laughed.

I looked at jimin and pouted hitting his chest. "jerk. You set me up." He laughed when I sat down aggravated. "I didn't set you up. You set yourself up by running here." I huffed annoyed. "You have one last chance or else he is gonna have to sleep in another woman's bedroom." I gulped and nodded.

I took a deep breath and tried not to get too anxious about the day before me. "Oh and his old girlfriend is his new one." Jimin and I looked at taehyung widening our eyes. "NO! That's not happening!" I yelled clearly upset. Taehyung laughed. "Jimin get your things your gonna have to sleep at my girls bed. And she gets horny pretty quickly."

I sighed and looked away. "Fine." I groaned. Jimin kissed my cheek before moving away. "Well imma go call my girl and ask if she's gonna want to hang out." I didn't say anything as the boys laughed when jimin checked to see if I had any expression on my face.

"Okay, bye." I said while looking at him. They all laughed at my sassy tone. He smirked and winked at me before going upstairs. I rolled my eyes but inside I was all warmed up. I looked at the men as they grinned at me. "Remember what part of the deal is? If jimin does something so do you. You have to be wherever he is."

I nodded going upstairs. Before going I have them the middle finger which made then laugh. I went into our room expecting to see him there but instead I found lia. I laying next to her on the bed. "Hey lia." I sighed. She turned and looked at me. "What's up?" I sighed laying to face the celing.

"Jhope made me not be jimin girlfriend for a day." Lia furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?" I rolled my eyes turning to her. "I left the mall for one second to go get ice cream and he gets mad." Lia chuckled. "But why is that so bad? Your single for a day. We can go get you hookup with a guy or something." I shared my head. "That's not it. Im gonna have to be with jimin and you have to-"

I heard footsteps come into the room. Jimin looked at me and smiled. "What are you two doing in my bed? Well actually our bed." He smirked looking at lia. He knows what he is doing. I held in my annoyance. Lia looked at me confused. "What is he talking about?"

I sighed. "You have to date jimin for the rest of the day." She widen her eyes and then glared at jimin. "Who the fuck said I had to date your dumbass." He laughed. "Hoseok hyung. I mean we could or~ I could tell your boyfriend you hookup with one of my men last week." She widen her eyes while I tsked.

"Don't you dare." He laughed and reached his hand out to her. "Then join me m'lady." He smirked when he saw me freeze. Lia looked at me before sighing and getting out of the bed without his help. "Come on young."She sighes. I smiled seeing her boyfriend call and quickly awnsered.

"Oh hey new boyfriend." I heard the chuckle over the phone. "Hey young is lia there?" I hummed. "But I'm more important so how about we talk." I felt someone hit my ass. I pouted looking back to see lia with her hand out to say give me.

I smiled and got up pretending to give her the phone but instead quickly talked before hanging up. "Love you bye!" I hanged up and laughed when lia shakes her head grabbing her phone. I sighed pushing my hair back. "Your boyfriend loves me."

Jimin looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I look at him and smiled. "You got a problem sir?" He raised the both of them now. "Look at my slut, being all confident and shit. Watch what happens when i get you all tied up and dont let you breath for doing that shit." He whispered while lia was busy trying to call her boyfriend back.

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