chapter 10 (21+)

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I was now getting changed into new clothes jimin brought me from my room before helping me get up. I got up and smiled at jimin kissing his cheek. He chuckled before picking me from my feet and bringing me out. I holded him tightly before we made it out.

I smiled as the other boys came racing and asking a bunch of questions. "Are you okay?" "Does it still hurt?!" "Do you know who hurt you." They spat out at once. "Guys I'm fine now, and no one beat me I just fell trying to get the remote and gave myself a big bruise."

They scrunched there eyebrows. "Are you sure?" I saw seulgi from the corner of my eyes with a smirk. I smiled softly. "Duh guys. What kind of dumb bitch would try me?" They all laughed lightly except for seulgi. She had a creepy smirk on her face but I just ignored her.

"How about we eat lunch now?" We all agreed and I went to sit at the table immediately jimin and hoseok sitting besides me. Seulgi came last sitting at the edge. We all ate quietly. I really didn't feel like talking and I guess they all saw that and didn't say anything. Of course except seulgi who doesn't give a shit.

Once we finished I helped wash the plates since no one else helps. The cooks thank me before shooing me out the kitchen making me laugh. As I got out the kitchen I saw the boys all watching sports. I smiled joining them. I sat next to jimin. He smiled putting me on his lap and kissing my head as I giggled.

They were all screaming as I was bored laying on jimins lap. I felt someone hit my head and hummed looking up. "You're in my spot move." I looked and saw seulgi. Jimin was gonna say something but I shaked my head. I looked at her and sighed. "Make me." They all stood surprised.

Seulgi just glared at me. "I said move young." I shrugged. " And I said make me." She sighed moving to sit on the other end of the couch. I smirked winking at her as she gave me a 'scary' glare. She fucking wishes I was intimidated by her. When I get my chance, i'll torture her. I'll kill her slowly. She'll then see who's bigger and better.

Soon I got really bored and decided to go out for a bit. I called Bora and she came over only to be dragged out the house by me. She laughed when I'd don't even let her enter the house. "I want to go to the park. Come with me?" She smiled and nodded. I giggled and put my arm around her shoulder and we both started walking before someone stopped me.

"Young you're not going anywhere." I looked back confused. It was jimin. "What, why not?" I asked confused. "You're injured and asking me why you can't go to the park?" Bora wideded her eyes. "Your hurt!" She yelled. I sighed and shaked my head.

"No, it's just a bruise, I'll be fine." I turned to try and leave but jimin grabbed my arm pulling me back. "I said no young." I sighed giving up. "I hate you." I mumbled. He hummed kissing my neck gently. "stop lying you love me." Bora giggled while I rolled my eyes.

I then turned. "Fine but boras coming inside with me." He put his arms up. "I never said she couldn't. You're just not allowed out." I sighed before grabbing bora's hand and then going towards the house pushing jimin away as he and Bora laughed.

I closed the door behind me. Bora laughed again as the boys turned around now. Jungkook straight faced. "He told you no?" Rm laughed while I huffed and folded my arms. "I hate him." Jimin came through laughing. "I only said she couldn't go to the park and now she hates me." The boys chuckled while jungkook just looked at Bora. Now I was feeling bad.

"Hey kookie come, I want to show you something I have been actually working on." Bora's eyes went big. "What n-" I then whispered into her ear. "Please Bora." I pouted pleading. She sighed and nodded looking at the ground. I then smiled happily before looking at jungkook to come.

He sighed and nodded coming. "Hu sissy." Yoongi mumbled. Jungkooks hand started trembling. I then glared at yoongi. "Why don't you shut up yoongi, go suck a dick you jerk." They all widened there eyes laughing except for seulgi and of course yoongi.

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