Chapter 46 (21+)

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            i sat on top of jimin during the whole entire game. the guys were all around the table playing cards while i just laid on jimin watching him play. he whispered funny things into my ears just so he could see my smile. "omg shut up jimin we agreed never to talk about that again." he burst out laughing as i blushed laughing. 

          "its was so funny baby im sorry." i laughed laying on his chest. i felt him lightly carrasse my thigh. i looked up at him with a smile. "you were so cute that day. you only spoke in a cute little voice." he reminded me making me laughing hitting his chest to shut up. "i remember everything of that day. i discovered so many things about you cutie." 

              he leaned into my ear smiling. i blushed when he moved back grinning. "ill do it again baby. harder if i want to. you just have to remember to be my good girl." i smiled hiding it on his shoulder. he chuckled teasingly spanking me. "okay let's play a different game. this is getting boring." jungkook said sighing. they all hummed. "let's gamble." we all looked at yoongi as he took out a cigarette and a lighter. 

                "ok, on what?" yoongi hummed shrugging. "think of something valuable of each person in this room." namjoon hummed stopping him. "why don't we divide in teams?" namjoon looked at me. "young want to play?" i shaked my head laying on jimin. "okay, lets do the youngest vs. the oldest."  

            they all looked at each other and shrugged nodding. "sure. but what are we betting on?" the hyungs smirked at the youngers. "we can boss you guys around the whole entire day, meaning we can make you guys do whatever we want." yoongi proposed. jungkook hummed. "okay, but for us we want to gamble for all of the new weed you guys got last week." they all smirked. "ok deal." i sighed shaking my head. 

                "god, younger line you're about to get wreaked." the hyungs laughed while jimin hit my back making me whine. "don't be dumb. im not losing to these kids." the guys chuckled. "we'll see." i laid against jimin putting my arms around him. "don't lose." i rooted. he smiled at me before kissing my nose. "ill try not to." 

              i smiled and just watched as they gambled. surprise surprise the youngster lost. "no fair rematch! there probably was a mistake or something!" jungkook said being a sore loser. "shut up brat you lost." i shaked my head at him as the hyungs laughed. "ok, now jungkook go fix my car like I've been telling you to do, tae go clean up the mess you made in the living room, and jimin go get us something to drink."

             the boys all sighed. i giggled watching them all go. i looked over at the hyungs as they seemed relaxed. "ohh can i have a part in this gamble?" jin hummed before looking at the other three. "fine, but you have to do something before you do." i hummed smiling excitingly. "you have to listen to yoongi in whatever he tell's you." i hummed slightly hesitant. 

              "deal?" i sighed before nodding. "deal." i said happily. jimin came back with four cups before picking me up and trying to leave. "eh eh eh jimin come back, we're not done asking things of you." jimin sighed smiling in a defeat. he went back. "what?" he asked. "go help your staff for once. young is always helping, for once help them." jin then looked at me. 

              "young, please don't help him."  i smiled nodding. jimin sighed leaving. "what did i tell you hard head. you were going to lose." i said with a giggle. he mimicked me before giving a bunch of kisses while i tried not laughing to loud. jimin went to the staff room. i decided to just follow behind him bored. 

             he decided to just fold clothes while i laid on the couch watching cartoons. jimin smiled at me while i just focused on the tv. he came over once he finished and laid on top of me. i giggled and just carrassed his hair. my favorite staff member came down and wowed at all the folden clothes. "wow youngie you did all this? thank you so much!" she said with a big smile on her face. i smiled. 

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