chapter 34 (21+)

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       Jimin and I were working out together in the gym that they owned pretty much all the way downstairs of the house. Or castle. Or apartment complex. What ever you want to call it. I was at the bar pushing my self up and down for as many times as I could before I gave up and laid on the ground catching my breath.

         I saw jimin walk towards me. He smiled reaching his hands out. I grinned grabbing them and pulling to kiss me. He chuckled and took the time to kiss me back. I moved back and let him put his arms around my waist. "Let's go work out over here baby. I want to show you something." I hummed as he took me into a room with a whole bunch of equipment on it.

         I wowed. "baby do you really want to go on our drug missions with us. It's dangerous and it could be really bad if you don't pay attention. I hummed nodding. "I'm sure baby." He sighed. "Okay, I'm made you these special types of machines to test your reflex's and a lot of then can be scary for you but don't worry because I'm right here for anytime you need me. Okay?"

       I looked at him. "You did all that for me?" He smiled and pecked my lips. "Obviously. If you want something, me as your future husband I will always give you why you want." I awed lightly and kissed his mouth a couple times as he chuckled.

         "Your an amazing fiancé thank you." he smiled and pecked my cheek. "Now go cutie."

                            5 hours later

           Jimin and I were talking a shower together after having that whole fighting recreatment downstairs. And well to catch you up, I beat all those damn robots asses. I only needed jimin for the one with the 'gun' which was just throwing marbles, which still hurt.

           When we got out of there I heard my phone go off. Jimin wrapped a towel around me as I awnsered. "Young want to hang out with me and my friends around the city for a bit?" I hummed a slight sure. I heard her talking to someone before sighing. "Do you mind if jimin comes."

        I looked at jimin as he hummed. "Want to go with me with some of seowons friends to the city?" He furrowed his eyebrows and hummed Abit. "I don't know... I want to go but I have-" "he can't go" I told seowon. Jimin laughed lightly senseing my jealous side.

      I heard some one else then take the phone and start speaking. "Please younggg, convince him." I sighed and looked at jimin. "baby are you sure you can't come." I asked with a disintrested look in my eye. He smirked and pulled me in pecking my mouth softly.

         I moaned gently. "Of course I have time." He then grabbed the phone when I frowned. "We'll see you at the park." He said softly whispering in it. I hit his chest when he hanged up. I grabbed my phone back and then put it down on the sink getting dressed.

            Jimin put his arms around my waist kissing my neck softly. I hummed moving away. He spanked me before getting back into the same position. I lightly smiled not trying to show, but he saw anyways. He chuckled and pecked my lips. "You like it when I spank you?"

          I hummed. "Maybe." He did it again making me moan. He chuckled making soft kisses around my neck. "Hmm I think I just found one of your new kinks babygirl." I giggled before pushing myself alway from him.

       He grinned and put his arms around my neck slightly letting his body lean on mine. I sighed shaking my head as he kissed my head. I finished folding our clothes and sighed when finishing. "Are they coming here?" He asked softly. i hummed nodding. "they should be here soon, first lets go-" before i finished seowon called. 

          i picked up and hummed. "were outside bitch." i rolled my eyes. "okay were coming." i sighed and hanged up. i then looked at jimin and checked him to make sure he wasn't wearing anything to get these girls attention. he smirked looking at me and picked me up while i lightly smiled. "are you checking me out baby girl? i can give you a closer look." 

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