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Hyde, now that we're a thing maybe we should tell the world
Absolutely not my dear intelligent superstud
Why not?
You know what people will say...
I don't care! They don't matter! Please Hyde it's getting harder to hide you!
Maybe you shouldn't let me roam free!
Ok then you can move and live your own life
Goodbye Jekyll... I'll come visit you soon. I love you, you intelligent superstud.
Love you too, Eddie. I'll miss you please come often. Jekyll then pulled out money...
here you are, find somewhere nice to stay.
I'll be back, Baby, you know that.
I have started to grow on the nickname you gave me... don't change it.
Hyde laughed
You know I will, you intelligent superstud... take care of yourself.
Hyde then took Jekyll by his shirt collar and pulled him to his lips which kissed him sweetly. Then he left...
two weeks later...
Jekyll constantly worried about hyde and where he could be. He hated not having him in the house. That was until he heard a knock on the door. It was layon
" I believe this belongs to you, Dr. Jekyll." He said
Hyde was there, cursing, grabbed by his shirt on the ground.
Let me go, Layon!
Layon let go of Hyde. He tried to run but Jekyll grabbed his soaking wet collar. He pulled him inside
Thank you layon
Then he shut the door. Hyde was soaking wet and it was clear what he was going to do by the little weights on his feet.
How could you! I've been worried sick!
I'm sorry please forgive me
Sorry doesn't cut it for those long nights sitting and staring at the mirror in the lab hoping for you to come back to me
I'm sorry Jekyll please forgive me
Jekyll held onto him
I love you, do you understand?! I can't live without you! Please never do that again!
Yes, Jekyll
Then Jekyll sat Hyde on the couch, got him some new clothes and a blanket.

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now