Jasper: The giant dog

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Jasper had grown a bunch since Jekyll and Hyde and got him from Red.
Jekyll sat in bed and snuggled up to Hyde
" I love you, My Sexy-"
Jasper interrupted when he jumped onto their white sheets in between Jekyll and Hyde and was covered in mud.
" Hyde, get your stupid mongrel off the bed!"
" Oh come on Henry, lighten up. He's just a dog."
" Who made you again?" Jekyll asked as he crossed his arms
Hyde sighed and started to pat the carpet floor beside him " Come on, Jasper."
Jasper jumped over his master, covering him in mud.
Hyde laughed and turned over to start to snuggle up to Jekyll again. Jekyll scooted away and eventually got off of the bed.
" I suggest you get a bath along with that mutt." Jekyll said annoyed as he went to the kitchen
" Henry come back, please!" Hyde shouted
Jekyll rolled his eyes "not with you, you dirty mutt."
The next day...
" Thanks Red... Jekyll needs to learn." Hyde said to me
" No problem." I smiled
Jekyll woke up and there was a note on the bedside table
Dear Henry Jekyll,
Red and I have decided to go to town today. I will be gone until later this evening so will you please take care of Jasper while I'm away? There is a schedule on the fridge of everything that needs to be done.
Love you,
Edward Hyde
Jekyll got up and opened the back door to which Jasper trotted into. Once again being covered in mud.
" Let's see." Jekyll said quietly to himself as he looked at the schedule. "7:30 go to park."
" Let's get you to a bath then I'll take you to the park," Jekyll said to the dog as he got all the essentials for a bath ready. He started the water then he yelled "Jasper! Come on boy!"
Jasper whimpered as he came to the doorway. Jekyll wasn't known for his strength so he grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to the tub with little success. He however shut the door before Jasper could escape and rolled up his pants legs and sleeves. He stood inside the tub the warm water surrounding his feet. He pats his legs "come on boy." he begged
Jasper slowly walked forward just enough for Jekyll to pull him into the tub. He was trying to escape Jekyll's hold as Jekyll washed his thick coat.
" Good boy." he cooed
Jasper's paws shook and he wouldn't be still. After Jekyll was done, he stopped holding him for just a tiny second... The dog bolted out of the tub. Shaking the water all onto Jekyll and the floor. Jekyll wrapped the towel around the dog and put his collar back on him.
" There." he said with a sense of victory " Now that wasn't so bad now was it?" he asked the dog who licked the scientist in the face causing him to topple over
" Oh Good Boy, Good Boy," he said as he laughed
" Now let's go to the park, huh?"
The dog jumped around excitedly at the word "park" so much so that Jekyll could barely get his leash on him. Jelly and Jasper strolled around the park until tragedy struck.... a squirrel.
Jasper's ran after the squirrel dragging Jekyll who was frantically trying to get the leash off his hand but it was too late.
Jekyll looked down at himself. He and Jasper were covered in head to toe in mud. All the people that walked past were laughing.
The only place Jekyll wasn't covered in mud? His eyes, his glasses prevented that.
Jekyll sighed " Come on, boy." he said as he dragged Jasper back to the car.
When he got home he feed Jasper and he bathed him again then he took a shower. When Hyde got home he found Jekyll asleep on the couch with Jasper snuggling up to him and on the coffee table there was a note
'Your mutt dragged me through mud today and more than likely will destroy outlr change at cuddles.
❤️- Jekyll

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