The letter...

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The next morning
" Hey Baby..." hyde said as he turned over to face his back
" Yes..." Jekyll said facing him
" Can I get my book out of your drawer?"
" Yeah..." Jekyll said as he closed his eyes " Just promise to come back to bed..."
" Ok." Hyde said as he got up and got his book
' Handbook for torture' but under that was something he had never seen before, it was a letter the heading read 'My dearest Emma.' As he read it, it was clear that it was a love letter and the signature read 'Henry J. Jekyll'
Hyde started to hyperventilate " B- baby... What's this?"
Jekyll turned over to see a pale Hyde with the letter clutched in his hand.
" It's a letter from years ago don't worry..."
Hyde relaxed a little and got back in bed and latched onto Jekyll.. " Honey please tell me you're not cheating..." hyde wispered as his arms went tightly on jekyll's hips
" Of course not, what does she have that you don't make better?" Jekyll asked as he cupped Hyde's head in his hands
" I- but what about how I was a failure in your research?"
" You weren't a failure, just a happy accident.."
Hyde knew that Jekyll probably wasn't cheating and he was overthinking it but then why would he keep that letter? And when was it made? Why wasn't it in her possession instead of the bottom of a drawer in Jekyll's bedroom?
" Eddie, what's wrong?" Jekyll asked
" I- I just don't understand why you'd keep the letter if she's not important to you anymore..." hyde replied as tears flooded his eyes
" As I said it's nothing to worry about... I love you, not her." Jekyll replied as he wiped the tears off his face
" I just- I have doubts sometimes and-"
" Don't I'd never hurt you, my Eddie wed-die."
" Never call me that again.."
" Ok Eddie wed-die." Jekyll smiled
" God, I love you..."
" I love you too..."

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now