The suit

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Goes out to Duskbg

" You are an experiment and that's all you'll ever be!" The words replayed through Hyde's head constantly.
The other day he was Jekyll's love. Now it seemed he was Jekyll's doormat. He still didn't understand why Jekyll didn't kick him out instead of leaving. The thought of Utterson and him together made Hyde physically sick but it was becoming a reality slowly and he knew it. Drinking and cigarettes were the only things that cleared his mind of these thoughts. He decided he needed help before it got to far, but who? Not pole, not Red, he thought and thought of someone until a thought struck into his mind, Dusk. He knew she was distraught over the recent events, but he needed someone to talk to and if that meant the one that stood beside him as Jekyll and him exchanged their first kiss As a married couple  also known as the one that started their relationship then so be it.
" Dusk.... please pick up." He whispered into the phone as it rang
" Hello?" He heard the girl say in a shy voice
" Could you come over? I need someone to talk to."
" Okay, do you have any-"
" Yes dusk, I have cookies."
" Okay, on my way, Hyde."
Hyde then hung up and waited She soon came by.
Hyde opened the door and she looked at him with sympathetic eyes. " Oh hyde." She whispered as she hugged him
" Now, what do you need to say?" She asked
Hyde handed her the cookie jar then spoke.
" I'm broken without him. He was my everything and now he's probably off with Utterson somewhere."
" Hey, slow down okay? Everything can be fixed."
"Here, let me call a friend of mine." Dusk smiled at Hyde
Then she got on the phone
angelinathekindkid soon arrived.
" Naming a kid Dante yet?" She asked as she stood at the door smiling.
Dusk stared at her with a look of insanity.
" Get out." Dusk said
The Angelina left
Dusk then said " Well... Hyde, " she thought for a for a few minutes " Hekyll has always been a strong point. Maybe we can... Make Dr. Jekyll love you again. Now, when was Jekyll most excited around you?"
" In my suit, I wore on our wedding day." Hyde said as he smiled remembering the good times.
" Hmmmm, you think you could make him that way again?"
" Maybe." Hyde said
" Good, now go put it on." She replied
Hyde went into the bedroom and soon came back in his suit.
"Awww, Hyde reminds me of the day I was there with you when Jekyll and you said your vows." Dusk said as she wiped her eyes
" Dusk, are you crying?"
" No no, just remembering."
" Maybe I can't do it.... what if he ditches me?"
" Hyde, don't think like that. Hyde, He loves you."
" I'm unsure now."
" It's alright, Hyde." Dusk said with a mouthful of cookies
Hyde just laughed

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now