The letters

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I have a strong feeling this is going to be a 2/3 parter so..... Inspired by MadisonandClaudiaVlo

" Did you get a letter too?" I heard on the other side of the phone Dr. Jekyll sounded very uneasy
" Letter from who?" I asked
" Of course she didn't get a letter, She caused it!" I heard Hyde growl from the background
" Dr. Jekyll, What's going on?" I asked unsettled
" N- Nothing Sweetheart. Everything is fine." Dr. Jekyll said in a sweet tone
I knew something was wrong then. He NEVER called me sweetheart. If he did it was something serious.
I heard hands pound against the table
I gulped " Please, Tell me What's going on?" I begged
"um... sweetheart you need to come over. Please be careful on your way."
" Okay I'm coming."
" I love you, Red."
I stopped for a minute before I hung up " I love you too, Dr. Jekyll."
My throat tightened as I walked through the streets never did the trip to Dr. Jekyll's seem so long. I got there and Dr. Jekyll pulled me inside. He hugged me tight " Thank god, You're Alright!" He exclaimed
Hyde was fuming with anger as he paced the room.
" THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed at me
" DON'T SCREAM AT HER, SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Dr. Jekyll screamed back as he got in front of me and guarded me
" JEKYLL DON'T PROTECT HER YOU AND I BOTH KNOW WHAT WE'LL HAVE TO DO! TO PROTECT US!" Hyde said with tears in his eyes. He saw me look at him and turned away
" WE CAN'T JUST DISOWN HER!" Jekyll continued
Jekyll ran towards the directions of his bedroom and I heard the door shut.
"What's going on, Hyde?" I asked
Hyde sighed " We got a letter this morning. It was from a 'fan' but more of a stalker. She said how much she loved me and how she wanted to murder people with me, especially Henry. She said somehow she found you and that from there she found us.
We need to get away from you for our own safety. I love you, Henry loves you. We will miss you. Be careful out there."
I nodded and tears clouded my eyes
Hyde looked at me and his face softened. He grabbed a tissue. " You and Henry are the only ones who I love this much to care for." He dried my eyes
" Thank you, Hyde. I'm sorry I've caused this please forgive me."
" I'll always forgive you. Now, you better go before I get too soft." He laughed as he hugged me
" Thank you, Hyde."
"You're welcome Red. I'll miss you, please don't get hurt."
" Sure thing, Hyde."
I smiled and left.
I walked past my home and to Dusk's.
"Dusk...." I said as I frowned " it's better if you stay away from me."
" What? Who do I need to murder?"
" Let's just say, I just need to be away for the safety of you."
" Wait, Red."
I waited as she went back in her home and came back with some money " Take this."
I nodded and walked over to my house grabbed a few essential things and drove my car south to a place called Indenwhich. The town was small. It had a hotel and a dinner. All that I needed but as I sat down in the hotels lobby I realized something.... Dr. Jekyll's car in the town.

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now