Jekyll's Family...( Happy 1k)

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Yay!! Happy 1k! ( I'm preparing this early but whatever...)
Jekyll drove and talked to Hyde while Hyde's stomach twisted and turned. Jekyll's parents weren't at their wedding... jekyll insisted it was because medical issues but he couldn't help the thought that maybe they were against their relationship. Hyde decided that he needed to tell Jekyll his thoughts.
"Henry, are your parents.... against our relationship?"
" Well my mom... no, but my dad," jekyll said then a little nervous laugh came out " Him... I don't know. When I came out shortly after we started dating he just kind of scoffed and before I knew it the wedding came and they weren't there...."
They say there in awkward silence before Jekyll needed to stop for gas.
" Need anything?" Jekyll asked
" Your love... but besides that I'm good."
Jekyll laughed but his tone became serious
" I'm bringing you something, I know your hungry... you're eating."
Hyde scoffed and waited.
" I got you chips." Jekyll said as he got back in the car
" Ok." Hyde said as he grabbed them from his hand and ate them.
Before they knew it Jekyll pulled up to a house.
" Listen I'll be beside you the whole time." Jekyll wispered as he kissed Hyde then took his hand and got out. His mother met him outside
" Henry!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him
" Mother..." Jekyll said awkwardly
She then turned to Hyde.
" You must be the famous Edward Hyde!" She smiled
" More like infamous..." he replied
She laughed but by no means was it a joke.
" God! You guys look like total opposites!"
They then went inside
Jekyll's grip become tighter as he saw a man lying on the couch.
"Richard, Henry and his husband are here."
The man scoffed and cigar smoke was visible in the air.
" Dad?" Jekyll asked
Then it was quite no one spoke
" You know you should really say hi to your son..." hyde smiled
Jekyll's father murmured something
" I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." Hyde said
" Let's just go up to my room." Jekyll suggested quietly to Hyde.
Hyde nodded and walked up the stairs with jekyll when he walked in he saw what he thought the doctor would have if he were a child...
there were posters of Albert Einstein everywhere. He smiled at his room and Jekyll sat on the bed. Hyde sat beside him.
" Bringing back old memories." Jekyll smiled
Just then they heard something
" I don't like that queer being in my house." Jekyll's dad confessed to his mother.
" Henry has always been... different. Accept him for who he is." Replied his mother
" Henry is no longer a son of mine he doesn't deserve to carry on the Jekyll name to their filthy children."
" Do you not know what I told you?!! You know they recently lost their child!" Jekyll's mother wispered but in a more sharp tone.
Jekyll at this point was quietly sobbing
" Henry baby... restrain me now." Hyde said
" Why?" Jekyll asked back
" I can't let my baby be hurt." Hyde said before going down the stairs but Jekyll soon pushed past him.
" Dad..." He said confidently as he faced his father
" Yes." The man replied
" Edward is not a queer if anything he's the best thing that ever happened to me God knows you ruined my life! We had a beautiful baby girl.... and your sick things... you're the worst person to ever live!" Jekyll yelled
" Don't you ever!" His father yelled before slapping him. Jekyll fell backward and he knew what would happen and he had no control
Hyde walked up to the man. He was reasonably shorter but size didn't matter he held his shirt collar in his hand and pushed him against the wall
" Hi there I'm Edward Hyde. I'm Henry's alter ego," Hyde's tone got much darker " you touch my husband again I'll murder you. That's not just a threat either that's a warning! As for talking about my daughter, oh ho ho welcome to hell. I'm the devil. Under F***ing stand?"
The man scoffed
" Eddie..." he heard Jekyll said. Hyde's head spun around
" He's not worth it." Jekyll wispered
Hyde dropped the man and walked away, helping jekyll up, and went to the car. The man came outside though.
" What are you gonna do?" He asked
Hyde opened the door and got out. He then went around the back of the house went he came back his lip was bleeding. Jekyll's dad came limping alongside his mother. Hyde got back in.
" You Alright, babe?" Jekyll asked
" Yeah, I'm fine.. are you?"
Jekyll touched his own cheek " Yeah."
" I'm so sorry this happened.." Jekyll continued
" It's alright..."
they then drove back home they sat in bed the rest of the day talking through the events from that day.
" I love you..." hyde wispered as he put his head on Jekyll's bare chest
" I love you too." Jekyll said as he stroked his hair
" You know is do anything for you..."
" Yeah I know, today showed me that... thanks."
" No problem it's my job... speaking of the 5th anniversary is in a few weeks."
" Yeah, yeah I know."
They then snuggled up to each other. Jekyll fell asleep first and Hyde just sat there trying to memorize each feature of his face, but fell asleep too soon. Strong couples stay together through thick and thin, forever couples fight and protect each other. The ups and downs caught them but this was just the beginning just like every other day.

Thank you guys so much. I don't see how you can read this it's trash but... whatever 1k reads is amazing. Thank you to those who have stayed thick and thin mentioned or no. I really appreciate everything and writing is fun for me let's keep this road going! well two thousand will come quick see you there!
I'll be in the comments 🎂

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now