Home... For now

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Hyde and Jekyll got home after three days in the hospital. Hyde never left Jekyll's side. Jekyll was very sore from the operation and hyde had to help him around the house. Hyde didn't mind he thought it brought them closer.
Yes, beloved
Are you ready to start you know... Trying?
Are you? I don't want to hurt you
Yes, I'll be fine.
Ok then. We'll start tonight.
Once again they did /something\.
I love you.
Love you too...
3 1/2 weeks later
Jekyll woke up in the night and felt something. He needed to puke. He ran to the bathroom and tried to be quiet. Everyone in the house had to be sleeping. He threw up in the bowl loud enough for Hyde to wake
You alright alter ego?
(Groans) aren't you the alter ego of me?
You alright, superstud?
I'm fine just... sick.
You think this could be you know...
Can I come in?
Hyde walked in and what he saw was a weak looking Jekyll curled up in a ball on the floor.
Henry you alright?
Ugh... no. Help me...
Hyde pick up Jekyll off of the floor.
I'm taking you to the doctor in the morning.
the next morning...
Jekyll... Baby we gotta get up.
Hmrm I don't want to...
You have to.
Hyde pulled Jekyll out of bed, made him get dressed and they left.
When they were in the doctors they made him lay on his back. He did so and they spread cool gel on him before waving a stick around on his belly.
The doctor smiled at Jekyll he knew that smile it was the smile of congratulations.
He was pregnant with hyde's baby. life was about to be a roller coaster. Jekyll tighten his grip on Hydes hand... Hyde waited
Congratulations doctor Jekyll you're pregnant!
A lump formed in Jekylls throat. Hyde well he passed out. Jekyll laughed at this and when the doctors got him up then they went home. Something shocked Hyde when he walked inside their home. Jekyll walked in first and he saw it just as jekyll turned to go sit on the couch. His stomach was bloated seeming as though that was a sneak peek at what would happen later...

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now