The appointment

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Jekyll was so nervous. He had never done something like this neither did he think he would. Hyde was beside him and that made him feel a lot better. Hyde was nervous as well. What if Jekylls body couldn't do it. Or his what would happen? They walked into the doctors avoiding the stares.
" Hello my name is doctor brown, " said the doctor
Jekyll looked up at Hyde. They were ready for anything.
I assume your doctor Jekyll.
Jekyll nodded
Well then lets get started. I need you to lay down on the table, Doctor Jekyll.
The Doctor felt around on Jekyll for a moment which Jekyll thought was weird but then he smiled.
Well, good news doctor Jekyll your body is in perfect condition for the surgery. I'm going to need you to say your goodbyes and then put this on.
The doctor then tossed Jekyll a hospital gown and left.
I love you, honey.
I love you too, baby. I'll be by your side when you get out if surgery, love."
They then kissed and hugged hyde left and Jekyll put on the gown.
Ready, doctor Jekyll?" he heard a female voice say from outside the door
Yes ma'am.
A nurse walked in with an iv and a syringe.
Now I'm going to stick this IV in and give you some anesthesia, Doctor Jekyll.
She then did what she said. Jekyll was asleep within the next five minutes. Then they placed the first incision and did the surgery. It was about two hours of pacing for hyde before they finally told him he could go see Jekyll and that the surgery was a success. As he walked in he saw his sleeping husband on an IV.
Hey babe, I told you I'd be here
He then took Jekyll's hand that had the wedding ring on it their wedding rings made a soft clanking sound before he put his hand in his.
I've been told you've done so good in your surgery and I'm proud. I can't believe you'd do this.... For me.
It's for us actually.
Oh thank God you're awake.
Of course, I am, baby.
Jekyll's sky blue eyes fluttered open.
I missed you
I missed you too
How could you of? You were asleep.
I just did.
You realize that when we have a child you'll have to stop doing horrible things.
Yes I know... That's why I want to have a child with you.
I love you
I love you too

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now