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March 11:
A friend challenged me to write 10000 words for part 200 you think I can do it?
March 14:
Okay guys to be honest I've spent hours trying to make this just right. At first I wanted it to be just stats on previous chapters but that was too boring for me to write.

I'm honestly unsure of what to do but I'm using an idea for Part two hundred this is a big deal to me and I'm sure it is to you guys I hope I can make your reading experience amazing and keep everything happy so tell me Are you ready for part 200?
- Red
There was a party and everything for me. This family was amazing. It still surprised me how much they loved me and cared for me.
"This is how you chug milkshake, Red. Pen, time me." Hyde said
" Alright Ready.... go!" Pen exclaimed
" Please don't do anything you will regret, Eddie." Jekyll whispered
He was halfway through his milkshake already. Then he was done.
" What was my time?" Hyde asked as he licked his lips searching for the last bit of ice cream.
" 6:7 seconds." Pen replied
"I can do better than that. Pen, time me." I said
" Chug chug chug chug!" Dusk had somehow got the whole army to say in unison
Then I was done.
" 6.4 seconds!" Pen exclaimed
The whole army cheered
Then there was a knock at the door
Dr. Jekyll who was laughing said, " I'll get it!"
We all got silent. I guess it was our natural instinct to eavesdrop. Their conversation was very hushed until we heard
" Eddie come here!"
Hyde silently stood up and went to the door.
We could all hear crying outside and then the door shut. Silence.
" What do you think is going on out there, Red?" Shadow asked
I shrugged my shoulders
" THE SCARS!..... THE HURT!..... YEARS!" We all heard Jekyll scream
"Ssssh.... sssh honey." We heard Hyde coo to Jekyll
Then the door opened again
"Red, Now!" Hyde said
I quickly scurried to the door. I saw Jekyll who had tears in his eyes.
"Oh, Red!" He exclaimed as he wiped his eyes
" Who's here?" I asked
" My Mother..." He almost whispered
I looked at her she looked..... broken. Which I'm sure she was. Dr. Jekyll hugged her as she whispered
" I couldn't take it anymore, Henry. I just couldn't."
" He's not going to hurt you anymore, Ma." Jekyll replied with a weak smile
"Thank you, Henry," She said as she looked up at him and cupped his face in her hands. " I'm so proud of you, my son."
Jekyll smiled at his fragile mother. " I wish I could get that from my father." He whispered as tears crowded his eyes
"I know, son, I know. But your father.... he is a sick, sick man Henry."
Jekyll nodded
"Red, I'd like you to meet my mother." Jekyll smiled at me
I stepped forward and offered a hand for her to shake but instead she embraced me in a bone-crushing hug.
" I've heard so much about you!" She exclaimed
I was silent " All good things." She assured
I turned around and faced Doctor Jekyll
" The Army?" I asked wondering what I should do with
" Dismiss and guest call." He replied
I marched in the house and turned sharply before clicking my heels and stomping my foot three times. The army went to attention. Dusk stepped forward
" Permission to ask orders?" She yelled
" Permission granted." I replied
" What are the new orders?" She asked
" Dismissal process except for top four and Dusk." I declared
" Red Army, Announcement Attention." I commanded
Every person including Dusk clicked their heels and put their hands at their side.
Then I said
" Top four step forward then the rest dismiss!"
Everything was worked out like it should have.
Then I took the rest upstairs " Guest call." I said
They immediately started making the bed of the guest bedroom and other things. I went downstairs and got a pitcher of water from Poole and sat it on the dresser. When guest call was completely done I went back outside to check on Jekyll and Hyde. Jekyll's Mother was still talking to them when I came out. Hyde had tears in his eyes, but I could tell he was... happy. He looked over at me and a smile spread across his face and he wiped his eyes they then all went inside.
That night....
Jekyll's mother had already gone to bed, the smell of her strong perfume lingered in the air.
"Your mother's a nice lady." I told Dr. Jekyll
" Yes, She is. She's the opposite of my father." He replied quietly as he went into the kitchen and soon came back with a plater with three cups of hot chocolate. I drank mine slowly
" She told me she was impressed by how well I had taken care of her son and how she was sorry for how Jekyll's father had treated me." Hyde chimed in
" Is she living here now?" I asked
" Until she finds another place to say." Jekyll replied
" That's good."
" No, Red. That's great she finally got away from my father."

Story continued here

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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