Pt. 100 ( The insecurities pt. 1)

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It was... Emma. How could he not have noticed? Now he knew he could get Jekyll back, his life depended on it.
He went in with no weapons, no poison, nothing only the power of his love with him.
He never loved anyone like he loved Jekyll, sure back when before they married his instincts would take over and he would date and break up with a woman every night. Something was different about Jekyll. Hyde had flaws and Jekyll knew.
And how would such a handsome man love that of Hyde. Hyde knew Jekyll was looked at wherever they went. Some teenage girls, others men that were looking for a different type of love, Hyde even thought he saw Pole look at him in a 'certain' way once. Jekyll was never bothered by how much attention he got but he always made sure that everybody knew Hyde was his. That made the small five foot nine inch Hyde not feel so small under the shadow of the six foot five inch Jekyll. Jekyll knew Hyde was insecure about his height, but he could always look at him in such a way or say such a thing that  would make all of Hyde's insecurities go away, his favorite to use? 'I love you, Eddie and you're perfect how you are.' This line made Hyde tingle inside and reminded him that Jekyll loved him. He'd kill to hear it one more time. Now he had to use his line on Jekyll 'you're not strange, you're beautiful'
Jekyll had always been called strange as a kid and even as an adult whether it was the banker walking down the street or Jekyll's dad at home each word stabbed at his heart. If it got bad Jekyll would wake up in the middle of the night crying and saying he was a failure at everything anyone else could do and how he was a freak of nature. Hyde would soothe him and repeat the line over and over again. Each time slightly calming the doctor's quite sobs.
" I love you, Henry. Don't cry please you're beautiful in my eyes." Hyde said one night
" Why can't I just be like everyone else, a good father, a good scientist, a good husband, Hyde? Please tell me." The doctor replied
" Normal people are too boring, Henry. Who made a man out of liquid that was the embodiment of evil then learned to love him with each and every inch of himself? No one else but you. And what man went through the stresses of labor just so we could be happy and be proud parents? You did Henry Baby and don't let anyone ever look down on you because you are amazing and smart and funny and the list can go on for centuries because your kind deeds and loving heart are endless to anyone and if people can't see that then don't worry about them. they're not a successful doctor with too many people that he helped and cared for to count. I love you with every inch of me and I hope you know that if I could be anyone I'd be you."
" what do I do to deserve you?"
" No what did I do to deserve you, My Intelligent superstud?"
" Loved, hyde. You loved." Jekyll said
They kissed and layer back down. Hyde curled up in Jekyll's curves and spaces like a perfect puzzle piece and whispered " You're not strange, you're beautiful." One more time then he threaded Jekyll's hair between his fingers and got as close as he could and fell asleep.

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now