Freedom pt. 2

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Do you really have to go?
Yeah I do I really love my freedom.
It's awful not having you here.
Yes... I'll tell you what. How about I come here everyday.
You promise?
Yes I promise. I love you, intelligent superstud.
And I love you, Eddie
Jekyll treaded his fingers through Hyde's thick black hair. They stayed like that for hours until Jekyll fell asleep. Hyde scooted from his arm and stood up being careful not to wake him. He put a blanket over him. He opened the door out of the lab, but ran right into someone.

How do you know me? Do you know my master?
My name is Edward Hyde I'm a very \ good friend\ of your master.
Hyde blushed a little as the words escaped his lips
Bye now pole.
You too... Mr. Hyde.
Pole then entered the lab after Hyde left
Master, wake up.
Hmmm, what is it pole?
Do you know a man by the name of Mr. Hyde?
Well... yes h- how do you know him?
He just came out of here, I think you should head onto bed master.
Y- yes pole goodnight
Goodnight Dr. Jekyll.
Then Jekyll went to bed
The next morning...
Jekyll had been pacing the lab waiting for Hyde. Where was he? Then there was a knock. Jekyll answered.
Hello beloved. How did you sleep?
Just fine, you?
Fine... I have something for you.
Jekyll smiled and so did Hyde. Hyde took his hand out from behind his back to reveal a beaker.
Oh thank you. I love it! Pole said he saw you last night.
Yeah... that was by mistake.
It's fine... did you tell him about us?
No... you know what people think about people like us.
It doesn't matter as long as we are together.
They smiled and sat down together

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now