Living with Jasper ( The dice of having a dog) pt.150

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There are many sides on a dice, some good for you, some bad, but regardless it's all by chance... mistakes and victories these are the dice of having a dog
Side one
" Hyde, get your dog of my papers!" Jekyll Exclaimed
" It's not my fault your papers are everywhere..." hyde mumbled
" They were one my shelf! Your dog knocked them down!" Jekyll yelled
Hyde sighed and grabbed Jasper.
Side two
"Jasper!" Hyde yelled as he jumped off the couch
" Bad boy! You don't pee in the house!" Hyde said as he spanked the dog
Hyde cleaned up Jasper's mess
The dog whimpered but in thirty minutes was loving on Hyde again
Side three
The water was running in the tub.
" Come here, Jasper! Come on boy!" Hyde exclaimed
Jasper walked in the bathroom happily and Hyde put him in the tub.
" Be still!" Hyde said as he scrubbed the dog who was trying to jump out of the tub. Jasper finally escaped!
" Noooo!" Hyde exclaimed as he ran around with a towel trying to catch him, that was until he jumped into the bed. " Oh- no." Hyde whispered
Jekyll had gone to bed early, because he had a long, stressful day. Now, the ice cold puppy burrowed down beside him
A shriek came out of Jekyll. He picked up the Puppy and took it to Hyde
" Sorry, Love." Hyde whispered as he took the dog
Jekyll growled and retreated back to the bedroom.
When Hyde finally got done bathing Jasper he snuck into the bedroom and laid beside Jekyll. He could then hear Jasper whining outside the bedroom door
Hyde slowly got up and shuffled around the dark room until he got to the door
" Come on." He whispered then he got back in bed and the dog laid beside him soon asleep.
Side four
Hyde and Jekyll sat at the table. Hyde snuck some bacon under the table for Jasper who was under the table whining. You could hear the dog scarfing down the bacon " Ssssh Jasper!" Hyde whispered
Jekyll rolled his eyes and continued eating
Side five
Hyde sat on the couch watching TV with Jekyll.
Jasper jumped between them
" No snuggling then." Jekyll mumbled
" Don't worry I'll snuggle you later, baby." Hyde replied
" I love you." Jekyll said
" I love you too." Hyde replied
Side six
Hyde was sleeping with jasper waiting for Jekyll to come. Jekyll told Hyde that he'd come in a second but he needed to do one more thing.
Hyde was fast asleep when Jekyll came in.
" Baby, wake up."
" Yeah, Henry." Hyde replied drowsy
" You've been really responsible I'm proud of you." Jekyll whispered as he kissed him
" Just doing my job." Hyde whispered then Jekyll got in bed and snuggled against Hyde.

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now