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Three days later...
" I love you." Hyde whispered to a sleeping Jekyll then he kissed him and got up
He walked down the stairs and was greeted by pole
" Good morning, Pole."
" Good morning, Master Hyde." Pole replied
" Is there anything you want us to do?" Pole asked
" No, do you mind if I make the doctor's coffee?" Hyde asked
" Of course not. I'm sure the doctor will enjoy that." Pole smiled
Pole lead Hyde into the kitchen which was full of cooks running around yelling orders.
Then he lead him over to the coffee machine.
" If you need any help... just ask one of the women the men are kind of annoyed when told to get off task." Pole said then he left, probably to get everyone in order before the doctor awoke.
Then Hyde started to make Jekyll's coffee when he forgot something, whether Jekyll liked his coffee black or not! Any other day he could tell you without a thought but now he couldn't. He walked over to one of the women and tapped on her shoulder. She jumped suddenly then turned around " Oh! Master Hyde, what do you need?" She asked in a very quiet voice. She seemed tense so hyde smiled and said
" No need to be scared, I just came to ask a question."
" Oh, yes sir, what is it?" She asked
Hyde, being a little embarrassed not knowing this small thing about his husband asked in a hushed voice, " Do you know if the Doctor like his coffee black?"
The woman laughed but stopped as she remembered who was in front of her " No, the doctor likes his coffee sweet and light like himself."
" Thank you ma'am, can I ask your name?"
" Lisa Marshall, I'm 19 I've been working for the doctor for at least three years, however, he's so sweet and well mannered. He helped me when I was kicked out of my parent's home, he brought me in and gave me a bed to sleep on and gave me this job, I am forever in his debt, so if there's anything you need you know where to find me." The woman quietly replied as her cheeks turned a little pink
" Nice to meet you, Lisa and thank you."
" You're welcome, Master Hyde." She said then she scurried off
Hyde then went back to the coffee machine then he made Jekyll's coffee. As he started to go back up the stairs pole stopped him.
" Everything go okay, Master Hyde?"
" Yes, it did Pole thanks for the help."
" anytime." Pole replied
Then Hyde went up the stairs and into the bedroom.
He gently awoke Jekyll " Good morning, Honey."
Jekyll's eyes opened and he reached over for his glasses, which were on the nightstand.
" Morning, Baby." Jekyll smiled
" I made you coffee, I'm sorry if it's horrible." Hyde said as he put the cup in Jekyll's hands
" Anything you make is wonderful." Jekyll replied
He then took and sip and said " It's wonderful, as I said."
Hyde crawled in bed beside Jekyll
" So I met one of the maids...." Hyde said
" Which one?" Jekyll asked
" Miss Lisa Marshall." Hyde replied
Jekyll laughed " Yes, She was on the streets when we met so I let her come live here along with the other servants with regular pay. She has a crush on me or she did. Now that I think about it all of the women that work for me do."
" She was blushing when she talked about you." Hyde said
Jekyll nodded " When I told all the women that I was marrying you they all looked angry. Understandable considering that the oldest is 21. Pole is the oldest overall at 27. I still don't understand why he doesn't go have a family. Have you ever wondered why he's the only one allowed up to this floor?"
Hyde nodded
" Well, one day I hired a woman named scarlet, a few nights afterward I woke up and she was in bed beside me surrounded in all my shirts! after that I got new shirts, completely new sheets, and fired her, now he's the only one allowed up here." Jekyll explained
" Henry.... I hope this doesn't offend you but how rich are you exactly?" Hyde asked
" Hmmm, last time I checked I has 18 thousand." Jekyll replied
" Wow!" Hyde exclaimed
Jekyll just laughed

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now