canary business

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Hyde had gone out grocery shopping, he had to because Jekyll had once again become absorbed in his experiments.
" Jekyll," hyde said quietly " I'm going out shopping, Need Anything?"
" No." Jekyll grunted back, he was obviously so angry with his experiment
" Okay." Hyde whispered then he left
" Oh my it's finished! It's finished!" Jekyll exclaimed as he danced around his lab shortly after Hyde had left
" Now to see if it worked..." Jekyll grinned as he picked up the glass with the purple bubbling liquid inside
Meanwhile Hyde was racing up and down the aisles of the grocery store with his cloak glaring behind him. Anyway, Hyde had always told Jekyll " Don't experiment on yourself Henry you'll get hurt."
Did jekyll listen? Of course not so here stood Jekyll had who finally finished and drank his liquid. The bubbles traveled down his throat.the pains of transformation were a little different this time and he realized it had worked... he was a canary. He flapped his new yellow wings in front of the mirror. He soon heard Hyde walk in " Henry, I'm home!" He shouted
" Baby," Jekyll greeted from the lab " Are you Alright?"
" You sound happy, everything okay with you up there?" Hyde laughed
Jekyll choked on his words " I— everything is fine. Just... come up here please"
" sure... I'll come is something wrong with your experiment?" Hyde said as he walked up the stairs into their living room and into the lab
" well... it worked a little too well."
" Henry..."
Hyde then walked in " Where are you?"
" I'm here." Said Jekyll quietly as he landed on Hyde's shoulder
Hyde stumbled back
" It's okay, it's okay." Jekyll assured
" It's only temporary right?"
" Of course."
" Good cause I don't want to do the naughty to a bird it's just too inter-species..."

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now