The insecurities pt. 2

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As Hyde walked into the room Emma now in regular clothes sat beside Jekyll who had his arm around her.
" Come so soon, Edward?" She asked
" I came to get my husband." Hyde replied then he walked over to the almost lifeless Jekyll
" Baby.... you're not strange, you're beautiful."
Tears formed in Jekyll's lifeless eyes " I'm what?"
" Every inch of you is beautiful." Hyde replied as he took his hand
" Hyde? Please just.... take me. Bring me back to life." Jekyll pleaded
Hyde stroked his head " You are alive baby in here. I just know it. You got to be strong."
" I- I love you." Jekyll stuttered
" I love you too, baby. Forever And always."
Jekyll then kissed Hyde and his eyes turned back to their light blue shade and reflected Hyde, his one and only love. Emma sat there shocked.
" But- But It should have worked, my potion." She stuttered out
" No one's a better scientist than this fella right here." Hyde said as he gestured to Jekyll
" Aww I love you, Hyde."
" Well let's go, My prince." Hyde said as he took Jekyll's arm and they walked out but before they got to the door Hyde turned around and said " Hekyll out." Then they left in the sound of Jekyll's laughter
When they got home that night Jekyll laid on top of Hyde
" Am I hurting you?" Jekyll asked
" No, but you know what." Hyde answered
" What?" Jekyll asked
Hyde put his hands on top of Jekyll's stomach
" I can put something in there."
Jekyll's cheeks turned candy apple red and he just sat there wide eyed.

Sorry 'bout the end Duskbg  I had too. Love you peeps

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now