The ventilator

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Dusk woke up the next morning. " Morning, My Love."
Red was still silent.
" Hmmmm what can I do?" She asked herself
She went down to the little food courts, but they had nothing that interested her. She then went back up to Red's room and tapped her fingers on the plastic, uncomfortable chair. Griffin soon walked in, he looked exhausted.
" No sleep?" Dusk asked
Griffin shook his head " None."
" Well then go home." Dusk offered
" I need to be here for you guys. It's fine if I'm not sleeping." He said calmly
Dusk thought for a minute " When Will hyde be here?"
Griffin shrugged his shoulders. Then Hyde walked in his cloak swaying behind him.
"Speak of the devil..." Dusk whispered as she grinned
Griffin snickered at this.
"Anything?" Hyde asked ignoring the two and looking at Red
" Nothing, I got an update from the doctors last night."
"What did they say?"
" They're thinking to put her on a ventilator...."
Hyde frowned and had tears in his eyes " A ventilator?"
" What's wrong with a ventilator?"
" Dusk, a ventilator is kinda like a last resort... it means that person can't breathe on their own. "
Dusk now had tears in her eyes she covered her face with her hands because now she was realizing how hard it was for Red to breathe. "Oh Red..." she whispered
Hyde hugged her tightly " Sssshhh..."
"Now, here's the hard part.... we have to tell the army and Jekyll." Hyde whispered
Dusk cried for a little longer before wiping her eyes and going to the Red Army headquarters. This was going to be one of the hardest things she'd ever have to do. She walked up the stairs, the soldiers immediately went to attention.
" At ease." She whispered and they all sat down now concerned
She stood in front of them " I have an update on Red's condition.... she will be put on a ventilator soon. She won't be able to speak, eat, or breathe on her own," Dusk's throat tightened as she continued
"  She is apparently going to pass away very soon if her condition decreases. I'll be sure to tell you if it improves..."
She turned around before going down the stairs and weeping her eyes out in the lobby.
One by one all of the red army came down the steps and all of the crowed around dusk. They then all hugged her and cried. Dusk eventually went to Dr. Jekyll's home. As she walked in she could hear Hyde explaining what was happening.
"She's going fast Jekyll, and it's scary."
" will she ever get better?" Jekyll whispered his voice echoing in the huge dining room.
" We have no clue, it's up to her."
Dusk was now sniffling and crying again.
Then their talking stopped
" Dusk?" Dr. Jekyll's voice was soft and quiet
Dusk walked to the door of the dining room.
Jekyll looked up at her " Hello..."
" Hi."
" You Alright?"
" No." Dusk replied sadly
" Me neither, you know?"
Dusk nodded slowly " Everyone's broken."
" We are." Dr. Jekyll replied
Dusk's throat tightened once again. There was one person she could talk to, one person she knew would listen.
" Red...." Dusk whispered " Please wake up. I'm begging you. Please. Please. Please. We all love you and I'm so- so sorry. I shouldn't have charged if I didn't..... things would be different. Just I need you..."
she then sat there until she fell asleep

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now