The coffee shop

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"mmmm, good morning, Baby." Jekyll said as he stretched
"Morning, honey." Hyde said as he reached over to kiss him
" Let's go somewhere let's do something." Jekyll suggested
" Hmmmm, snuggle." Hyde whispered as he reached up to Jekyll's shoulders and pulled himself on top of Jekyll, his favorite spot and started to curl up, like a cat on their owner's chest.
" No, I mean let's go do something." Jekyll said reiterating himself
"Snuggling is something." Hyde protested
Jekyll sighed " Not what I meant."
Hyde sighed louder as he stretched from the ball he had made " Then what do you want to do?" He mumbled in a tone of annoyance at Jekyll's argument over no more snuggling
" Don't get that tone with me." Jekyll said sharply Hyde this time felt the vibrations in Jekyll's throat as he spoke because He had situated himself to be right at Jekyll's collarbone where he could speak more clearly.
Hyde sighed again and smiled weakly "Hoooooonnnnnnneeeeeyy, what do you want to do?" He asked this time in a much more.... lovable tone.
" Seven out of ten, but let's go get coffee or something. We haven't done anything as a couple lately, I've been so busy experimenting."
"Okay then. If that's what you want love then me as Eddie must provide." Hyde said as he rolled off of Jekyll very unsteadily onto his side of the bed.
" Careful, Love." Jekyll whispered
(Don't you think it's so cute that even though it's not even 6 inches from Jekyll's chest to the bed he still tells Hyde to be careful #couplegoals)
Hyde then sat up and rubbed his tired eyes.
Jekyll then sat up and grabbed his glasses from the bedside table then looked over to Hyde.
" Geez, you look so cute with messy hair." Hyde said to Jekyll
Jekyll reached over and pecked Hyde's lips before bouncing off the bed and going over to the closet. Hyde got behind Jekyll and put his hands around Jekyll's waist before standing on his tip toes and putting his head on his shoulder.
" So What's my handsome husband going to look like today?" Hyde asked
" The real question is what mine is going to look like... Probably studly, as always." Jekyll replied as he smiled and turned his head
Hyde smiled and pecked Jekyll's cheek, Before grabbing his clothes from the right side of the closet and going into the bathroom to change and comb his hair.
He came out and Jekyll was waiting in a standard dark grey sweater with a baby blue dress shirt underneath with the first and second button undone, and finally grey dress pants with leather belt and his tennis shoes.
Hyde walked over then he reached up and buttoned the two top buttons.
Jekyll laughed as he put his hands around Hyde's waist and pulled him closer "I knew you'd notice that."
" Every inch of you is mine, baby," Hyde replied then he stepped backward " How do I look?"
Jekyll studied his husband who was wearing a black polo and blue jeans. " Studly, as always." Jekyll whispered as if it was obvious to everyone then he pulled Hyde back to his chest. Hyde nuzzled Jekyll's neck.
( they haven't even went anywhere and it's already 541 words lol...)
They then got in the car and went to the local coffee place. Jekyll took his order then he sat down and waited for Hyde to come over. Hyde walked over and sat across from him shorty after.
" So where'd you take the kids yesterday?" Jekyll asked
(.... Jekyll's refers us as his kids lol)
" Nowhere, it doesn't matter." Hyde said quietly
"You're lying. We've been married for almost six years and I created you almost nine years ago I know when you're lying." Jekyll replied refusing to believe Hyde
"..... we went to the gas station and kind of rode around for a little bit."
Jekyll sighed " You're not telling me where you you guys went and I'm getting worried, I don't want you putting them in danger."
" Don't worry, love." Hyde said as he grabbed Jekyll's hands from across the table and rubbed them
Jekyll looked away, obviously mad at Hyde.
" Baby, please don't be that way..." hyde begged
Then the waiter came with their coffee and Jekyll turned back around.
"I still can't believe you like black coffee." Jekyll said
Hyde laughed " It reminds me of my soul."
Then they drank their coffee and talked about nonsense.

Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |Max parts| Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now