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"If you don't answer the last damn question" he yelled at me

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"If you don't answer the last damn question" he yelled at me.

Whatever they had injected into my body made me feel weak and numb. I forgot what he even asked me.

"S-Sorry, say it again" I managed to say as I squinted my eyes at him.

He sighed and ran a hand down his face "are you a virgin?"

"Why? It doesn't matter I'm not letting him have sex with me" I spoke making him suck his teeth.

"Well you don't really have a choice so---" he shrugged, trailing off.

"Just go in that room" he told me pointing to a door.

"Why? What's going to happen to me if I go in that room?" I asked, staying in my seat.

"How about you get up and find out" he smiled at me.

"No thank you, I like this seat" I told him, staying in my place.

"Mane come get this bitch" he spoke making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Nigga-" I cut myself off with a laugh.

"I know yo bitch ass didn't just call me no bitch I'm more of a man than you and more classy than your ugly ass momma" I spoke up making him yank me up again and practically drag me to the room.

Once I was inside he shut the door and Youngboy was already on the bed laughing at me.

"Don't touch me" I told him, staying in my spot.

He stopped laughing and straight faced me.

I looked away from him and looked on the floor seeing him make his way over to me.

"I have to finish all of this today, so you gone stop being a stubborn bitch and take off your clothes before getting in this bed."

I shook my head "I'm not letting you take my shit I don't even know you like that all I know is that you're NBA Youngboy."

He sucked his teeth and stood me up, beginning to take off my clothes, so pretty much everything I just said went in one ear and out the other.

Once he had my top part off he pressed me against the wall and kissed me, beginning to take off my pants as he did it.

I wanted to push him but it's like my hands wouldn't allow me to, I was just stuck and confused.

He laid me down on the bed and slid my panties all the way down along with my panties.

I begin to move back so I could pretty much avoid any thing like that happening right now but he wasn't having it and slid me back to him before putting a little in making me wince and try to run away again.

He help me in place with a focused face, before forcing a lot in at once making me begin to cry.

I covered my face with my arms and just let the tears fall as he pushes more in.

This shit hurt so fucking bad.



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