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He choose Lauran to go first because he didn't trust her the most.

She sat in the chair in front of him, still staring off into space.

"If a TMZ report walked up to us asking shit what would you do?" He asked her, getting straight to the point.

She sat and thought on the right answer before answering him "I wouldn't say anything."

When in reality she would. She liked media time and being in front of camera's. Because it gave her attention.

Kentrell eyed her trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or not. He just shrugged it off and continued.

"A person comes up to you and ask you how the baby doing, what do you say?" He asked her.

She sat and thought again before answering.

"Good?" She kinda questioned herself.

"I mean they could be talking about any of your kids" she quickly fixed.

Kentrell nodded and eyed her some more.

"What would you do if they ask you how we met, Are you my girlfriend or about your baby bump?" He asked, pointing at her growing stomach.

Lauran bit her lip and thought.

"I would tell them to mind their business" she answered proudly.

"Wrong answer" he spoke shaking his head at her.

She quirked an eyebrow at him.

"You're not supposed to say anything at all, by you saying "mind your business" it leads them to think the things they said we're pressing your buttons and are true" he explained.

She nodded and he dismissed her out of the room.

Ajanna came in right after her, sitting in the seat she had sat in before.

Before he even got to ask her questions she spoke "I don't want to go, can't you just take Lauran?" She asked.

He shook his head "you gotta go through the motions just like everyone else here so you gone take the quiz too."

She kissed her teeth and sat back, letting him ask his question.

He asked her the same question he asked Lauran about the reporter.

"Tell them everything I know, okay can I go now?" She asked looking away from him.

He could tell she was lying because she was already complaining about having to go so he popped her on her thigh making her jump a little.

"Don't lie to me and why don't you want to go anyway?" He asked, sitting down the sheet he had, paying attention to her.

"Because I like being by myself in the room. I don't want to leave this house unless you're taking me home and I don't like being by myself with you" she admitted.

"You're by yourself with me right now" he tilted his head at her.

"Never said I wanted to be" she mumbled.

He smirked at her "you're going with me."



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