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"Wassup with you? You been smiling a lot lately" Sheronda told me making me shrug

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"Wassup with you? You been smiling a lot lately" Sheronda told me making me shrug.

Ion really know I just been waking up happy and shit so I don't know what she expect me to say to her.

She nodded at me and let herself in with K3 on her hip and Draco following behind.

"Wassup man" I asked him as I scooped him and began to play with him making him laugh.

I sat him down and he ran into the living room where they were before I closed and locked the door, walking into the living room too, passing the bags since we are going home later but the bags are K3 and Draco's cause they're coming with us.

"Daddy where's the baby?" Draco asked, looking around.

When I was about to answer him she cut me off.

"You know Starr feels some type of way because you acted like that towards her" she began making me groan and roll my eyes.

"Come on I was in a good mood" I told her making her roll her eyes at me and we just stared at each other until the room door opened.

Ajanna came out with Kind, not minding us but then again she could still be sleep a little, Kind wakes her up a lot and not even just by crying. Because they sleep so close together she be kicking her and making weird noises that make her wake up.

She walked into the kitchen and began to fix her an bottle, yawning.

"Good morning" she spoke while she continued what she was doing.

"Morning" I spoke back, just keeping my eyes on her now, noticing her curly hair was all over her face and her lips looked a little more swollen than they do through out the day.

"Can you stop staring at the girl and have a conversation with me?" my momma spoke making me look over at her.

"For what? You just gone tell me the same thing you do everytime" I told her making her make a dumbass face at me.

"So if you sick of hearing the same shit why don't you stop doing the same shit?" She asked me making me roll my eyes again.

"Ma I'm not going back to Starr, how can you not see everything that is wrong with that relationship?"I asked her as Ajanna began to walk back to the room.

"Aye!" I called her making her turn and look at me.

"Get ready, we are going soon" I told her and she nodded at me before heading back to the room.

I told her now because I knew Sheronda would catch the hint and get the fuck out my face with this dumbass shit.

I'm not about to argue with her about this, especially not in front of my sons. It has nothing to do with her anyways she needs to mind her business and make sure Kendell don't bring no babies instead of ducking with me.



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