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I woke up because Khalil was crying and he just wouldn't stop, I don't know what's wrong with him but whatever it is bothers him really bad

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I woke up because Khalil was crying and he just wouldn't stop, I don't know what's wrong with him but whatever it is bothers him really bad.

"What's wrong baby? What's wrong?" I asked him as I rocked him side to side but he just wouldn't stop crying and it was beginning to make me cry.

As I rocked him I realized how heated his body was and then noticed the snot clogging up in his nose.

"Fuck" I whispered to myself because I knew I had no way to get to a store to get him any medicine so I had to call Kentrell before he got any worse.

I picked up the phone and continued to rock while his crying died down a little and I called Kentrell.

"Hello" he answered after about 5 rings.

"Um hey I need to go to the store to get medicine for Khalil because he is sick is there anyway that you could help me with that?" I asked and he sighed from over the phone.

"Yeah bruh I'm a send you a paid fir Uber and some Ight?" He asked and I nodded even though he can't see me.

"Yeah okay, thank you" I told him before I hung up on him.

I got me and Austin dressed before I got an text from Kentrell saying my Uber was outside.

I sighed and got in the Uber of course bringing his car seat and strapping him into it.

"To the closest store, right?" They asked me and nodding, sitting back in the seat.

He began to drive and we ended up at the closest store where me and Khalil got out and I got his bed while the man waited outside.

I checked my cash app and seen that Kentrell had sent me more than enough money for medicine 160 to be exact.

I just shrugged and decided to get him and me some snacks as well before I got medicine for his cold.

I paid for everything and then we went and got back in the car and he took us home.



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