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It was only me and my baby in the house now because they went to the show and there is no way I'm bringing my baby to one of his shows and besides I didn't want to go anyways Kind was just a better excuse

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It was only me and my baby in the house now because they went to the show and there is no way I'm bringing my baby to one of his shows and besides I didn't want to go anyways Kind was just a better excuse.

"Look baby, it's your grandma" I told her because I had FaceTimed Ayanna but my mom currently had the phone trying to talk to us.

"I'm serious Janna I don't like that boy, you and my granddaughter need to get away from him" she told me.

"But I like him ma, everything is okay" I lied twice but didn't show it.

"Besides he's your granddaughters dad, she needs him" I told her and she nodded at what I said.

"Okay but that doesn't mean that you need to be with him or even stay with him, the boy is disrespectful and he's a hoe, I read things about him on Facebook" she continued making me roll my eyes.

"Ma I like him, I'm not going to leave" I lied but I know why I really couldn't leave.

"He's actually really not that bad Ma you just gotta get used to him and catch him at the right time" Yanna backed me up.

"Besides ma you act like you are the most pleasant person to talk to, you literally always give sarcasm and sass you know some people consider that disrespectful" I told her and she shrugged.

"I don't give a hell what dem people say I know dat boy came to my house and disrespected me to my face-" she began, speaking patios making me roll my eyes again.

"Okay ma I get it, I got to go now though love y'all" I told them, cutting her off.

"We love you too, bye big sis" Ayanna spoke and then the phone rung up.

I carried Kind with me to the kitchen, fixing her a bottle for her to go to sleep before everyone came in the house, loud.

I sighed and just glared at them as Kind sat up from dozing off and moved her eyes around the house.

Kentrell seen us in the kitchen and came in, hugging me.

"Why are they so loud?" I asked him.

"She was almost sleep before they came in here like that" I told him and he nodded at me.

"I'm sorry, they're still a little hype from the show" he told me and I nodded, walking away.

"Y'all need you hush a little, she trying to put her to sleep" he told them as we walked passed them into the room.

I closed the door and turned off the lights, turning on music before sitting down on the bed with her giving her the bottle, rocking her.

She eventually feel asleep but I had to keep going until she was all the way sleep which didn't take long, once she was I laid her at the top of the bed before getting in beside her and beginning to fall asleep myself.



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