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(3 months later)

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(3 months later)

It was my turn to follow Kentrell everywhere he went while Lauran slept with him and Ajanna slept in her room.

Lauran has never been allowed to leave the house with Kentrell though, she's only a part of the sleeping process.

Okay I lied well not really I tried to keep my feelings for Kentrell away but I can't help it. I love him and I don't know why, he treats me like he would anyone else. We don't even have personal conversations but I like him so much and I wish I didn't.

Today the doctor was coming to tell us who was having his girl if anyone was actually having his girl and I was depressed because the way that he works it'll either be one of us or none of us and if it's not me I don't know what I'll do.

There was a knock at my door as I sat on my bed and put my slides on because it was too difficult to put on my shoes.

3Three opened my door and signaled for me to for me to follow him. I walked downstairs like he instructed me to and seen the doctor already sitting there with Kentrell and Lauran while Ajanna just started walking downstairs.

Once Ajanna sat down the doctor started to explain to us that she would need to do "blood work" on all of us to determine if our babies had diseases and what gender they were.

We were probably doing this type because Lauran stupid ass pushed Ajanna down the stairs.

After she says that Lauran was first to go in the room and get her blood taken and then me and after me was Ajanna, so pretty much the way we came downstairs.

Once she had all of our blood she stayed in the room probably using the lab that was in there.

"Okay you come on and y'all two don't hurt my kids or I'll kill you" Kentrell spoke to us.

Lauran nodded with a smile like she always does anytime he says anything to her while Ajanna just looked down.

I wish I was more like Ajanna when it came to him but I'm so submissive and it's not even on purpose. I don't understand how I could go from completely hating this man to wanting him to myself. I wish I was nonchalant and rude towards him but I'm not.

He grabbed my wrist as he walked us outside and into the Jeep that was waiting her. I sat quietly in my seat, looking out the window as we drove to wherever we were going. This was my first day with him and I was excited but I couldn't let him know that I was falling for him.

We pulled up outside of an expensive store, the same store we got our baby clothes from before and got out. Luckily there was no Camera man waiting for us as we walked in.

"I decided to let y'all go shopping for the boys to. Ajanna already got hers and I'll pick up Lauren's while we're here but you have to go pick out yours" he told me making me nod.

I went and picked out clothes that I would love my son to wear making me sigh, maybe having a boy would be best for me.



(Later that night)

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(Later that night)

Almost all the girls had their bags packed except for Lauran who refused because she knew her baby wasn't a boy but Kentrell forced her to pack them anyways.

Once she was done they all had to sit downstairs again and wait for the doctor to come out the room with the results.

She sighed and handed them to Kentrell who looked up at the three girls before beginning to speak.


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