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(1 week later)

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair and watched the Cartoon that the boys were watching before they fell asleep. I was alone now and all that I had was my thoughts.

I miss my family and I wish that I could go to them but Kentrell says that if I go back I can't take Kind and there is no way I'm leaving my baby and I know that he knows that.

I walked into the room, letting the boys stay on the bed but grabbing Kind and a cover before walking out and laying on the couch with her on my chest.

The only reason I only bring her is because she brings me comfort even though I'm still hurting she heals it some and doesn't even it.

I fell asleep this way but was woken up by her being taken from my arms, I quickly opened my eyes and sat up ignoring the sun that was shining into my eyes.

I looked and seen Kentrell holding her.

"Give her back" I told him, holding my arms out for her.

He shook his head at me and began to walk away with her making me tear up a little.

I followed him to the room where Kayden and K3 still slept. Watching him put her in her crib just to go over there and try to get her out but he yanked me back by my wrist.

"Don't put your hands on me" I told him and snatched my wrist away before I was about to go back to her crib and get her but he grabbed me again, pulling me out this time.

"Kentrell move, I want my baby" I told him, trying to go back to the room but he wouldn't let me and I was beginning to get frustrated.

"Fine fuck it" I huffed before sitting on the couch, burying my head in my hands before crying.

"Aye what the fuck wrong witcha?" he asked me as I continued to cry.

"I want my baby and I want to leave" I told him as I continued to cry.

He sucked his teeth at me "mane how many times do I have to tell you it's one or the other."

"But that's not far, you're using her to blackmail me into staying."

He shrugged his shoulders at me "You still here ain't you?"


(Do y'all want to hear about the other babies and how they're doing?)

(Do y'all want to hear about the other babies and how they're doing?)

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