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When we got back Kentrell and Star were sitting on the couch, flirting of course but I didn't care I just went in the kitchen to get me some water while Ayanna just held Kind and stayed by me.

"Why is she still here?" Starr asked but I still ignored her, popping the pill and drinking some water with it.

"Why yo donkey looking ass here?" Ayanna turned to her and asked making me spit up my water.

"Who the fuck is you little ass girl?" She started making me look over at her now.

"Girl don't come for my sister because you came for me first and I ain't say shit to yo ugly ass just continue what the hell you was doing before I came in here because I don't want yo baby daddy anyways" I told her and stuck my tongue out at her as I shut the door to the room.

Ayanna put Kind in her crib and sat on the bed with me before the bitch came into the room.

"Last time I checked we had the same damn baby daddy so obviously we not that far off" she said making me die laughing and Yanna did to.

"Okay baby you got it" I told her because I didn't feel like arguing with her because I know I am not ugly.

Then the bitch had the nerve to run up making me sling her big ass off of me before she crushed me.

"Fuck no! Kentrell you better come get this bitch!" I yelled while Ayanna got Kind who had just woke up.

He came in finally and got Starr big ass off the floor before leaving the room with her.

I took Kind from Ayanna and rocked her to sleep.

"Y'all come on" he came in the room and told us making me scrunch up my face.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To my mommas" he told me making me nod.

"Why you and yo girl can't just take Kind and we stay here" I spoke with an attitude but then I thought about the fact that I don't want nobody touching my baby.

"Man that ain't my girl bruh and you know that stop with yo bullshit and come on" he told me before he went over to Kind, grabbing her making me get up.

"Okay, give me my baby now" I told him and he just looked down at me and shook his head.

"You lucky your fucking sister here" he told me before brushing past me and leaving out the room.

I sighed "come on Ayanna" I told her before I grabbed her bag and headed out too.

We got in the car and I tried to sit beside Kind but Kentrell was sitting there and Star was beside him.

"You get in the back and you need to move" I told them and Starr was about to say something until he told her to just move.

"Thank you" I fake smiled at her.



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