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I pulled up to my moms house and got out of the car, taking Kinds car seat out and walking up to the door, knocking

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I pulled up to my moms house and got out of the car, taking Kinds car seat out and walking up to the door, knocking.

"Damn you back to get her already" Ken chuckled as he let me in the house.

"Hell Yeah Ajanna tripping and I don't feel like dealing with that" I chuckled.

I walked upstairs and into Starr room where she had laying in bed. I walked to the other side of the bed and grabbing her while Starr held an confused face.

"You taking her already?" She asked as she sat up.

I nodded and held Kind the right way while she grabbed my finger tightly and played with it.

"Why? We wanted to spend some more time with her" she told me and I shrugged.

"So does her mother" I told her making her smack her teeth.

"Bruh fuck that bitch" she started making me roll my eyes and began to go downstairs while she followed me.

"Kentrell you can't possibly be serious about fucking with her" she grabbed my arm and told me.

"Phat she literally lives with me and I be fucking on her, I'm serious" I told her and picked Kinds car seat up after I buckled her in.

She smacked her teeth again and walked away while I walked outside and got back in the car.

I had to drive for awhile before I ended up at the house that we were renting out while we were here in Louisiana.

I got out and went in, listening to Kind as she babbled about absolutely nothing, I mean it's not like it mad sense to me anyways.

When I walked in the room I seen Ajanna laying on the bed, sleeping.

I took Kind out of her car seat and held her as I got on the bed and watched tv since she didn't look sleepy.

"Kentrell you better have my baby" she spoke lowly.

I chuckled at her "yeah she right here, I don't know why she stop talking when we came in."

She nodded and her eyes were still closed "can you put her beside me?" She asked and I did it.

I've never really felt something in my relationships, not as much as I did with phat which is why I always run back to her when things go left in mine but Ajanna might just be what I need.

"Thank you" she told me and I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"It was no problem" I told her and I took off my jacket and shoes along with my pants before laying back in the bed with them.

I pulled her closer to me and Kind by her waist making her open her eyes. She was quiet though and didn't say stupid shit like she usually does.

"When do we go back?" She asked me.

"To L.A?" I asked, trying to make sure.

She nodded.

"I got a show tomorrow and then we go to my moms house to say bye to them before leaving" I answered and she smacked her teeth but nodded.



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