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My mother made us breakfast the next morning so we all went downstairs and sat.

"Sheesh daughter you look like she stayed awake all night" my mom told me while I looked around.

"I did" I told her, thinking she would leave me alone but I think she just doesn't know what leaving people alone is.

"Why?" She asked, putting food on my plate.

Kentrell squeezed my thigh, trying to make sure I didn't say anything slick.

"Kind kept me up" I lied.

She nodded at me "but I didn't hear her."

"Well I guess you were pretty tired once you feel asleep then" I told her making her squint her eyes at Kentrell.

I guess Ayanna caught on and didn't want me to get in trouble so she said "yeah I even heard her."

My mother rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen making Ayanna send me a fake kiss which made me smile.

"Can I get her?" I asked Kentrell as he held Kind.

He sighed and handed her to me "We are leaving after breakfast anyways" he told me.

"Oh really? I thought you guys would've stayed a little longer" my mother spoke, sitting in front of us.

I shook my head at her "he has a show tonight" I lied but it probably was true I just don't know.

She nodded at me "so are you guys taking Ayanna with you?" She asked us.

I nodded while Kentrell kept his "I don't give a fuck" face.

"When is she coming back?" She asked making me now look at Kentrell.

"Next week" he answered making her nod.

After everyone was done we got ready to go but took our time so Ayanna would have time to pack and do the same.

"We're going shopping before I take y'all to the house" Kentrell told me making me nod.

"I don't need anything just get my sister and Kind some stuff" I told him making him raise an eyebrow at me.

"Why you can't get stuff if they do? Do I look broke to you?" He asked me making me roll my eyes.

"Never mind" I told him.

The door was knocked on making me yell for whoever it was to come in.

"I'm ready now" Ayanna told ya making me nod.

I grabbed Kind who was sleeping in her car seat along with her baby bag before we all got in the car.



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