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I sat on the couch with the kids watching a different cartoon with Kind in my lap and everyone was just chilling since I just fixed us something to eat.

The front door soon opened revealing Kendall and Kentrell but lucky Sheronda wasn't here but they did have some girl with them which was none of my business so I turnt my attention back to the tv.

"Can I hold the baby?" The girl asked with a big smile on her face as she looked down at Kind.

"No" I told her before turning away.

"Mane let her hold the baby" Kendall laughed.

"No, you can't even hold my baby why would I let her?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"She don't let nobody touch Kind but her" Kentrell told them.

I shrugged and sighed, getting up from the couch because they were getting annoying.

"Come on y'all" I told Kayden and K3 so we could go in the other room but I was stopped.

"Um no we bout to go that's why Kendall here" he told me making me shake my head at him.

"I'm not-" he quickly cut me off.

"You have to bring Kind" he told me making me smile on the inside.

I nodded and still walked into the room with Kind because that's where our stuff is but he made K3 and Kayden stay out there so we could get ready which was going to take sometime because getting two people dressed at one time is hard.

But I did and I walked out the room with her only for Kentrell to take her out if my arms making me huff.

"Alright y'all see y'all when we get back and if y'all gone fuck go in one of the rooms upstairs, not mine and make sure my sons don't see that" he told them making me shake my head as we walked out of the house.

"Okay can I at least put my baby in the car?" I asked him only for him to shake his head.

"I get her until we come back cause while we at your ma house you ain't bout to run and hide with her so I can't get to y'all" he told me making my eyes widen from the fact that we were going to my moms house.

I began to smile, showing my braces that were over due to be tightened.

"Thank you."



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