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We were now in the mall since Kentrell wanted to go shopping even though he already has ten thousand outfits to pick from.

But he dumb because you're walking around here with a girl that is 6 months pregnant. Someone is going to take a picture and then two and two is going to be put together.

"Omg it's Youngboy!" Some girls screamed making me look towards them and then turn right back around.

"See you should of left me at home" I told him as Herm nodded his head agreeing with me.

He just glared at me before continuing his shopping.

"Aye, aye delete that!" Herm yelled at a group of people, catching Yb's attention.

"Delete it!" He yelled, walking towards them while I stayed back.

They deleted it, showing him that they no longer had the video or picture.

He nodded and took a picture with them before walking towards me.

"Alright lets go" he told me, grabbing my wrist and walking us out of the store.

We got back in the truck, going to pick up Kayden from his moms house now.

I was really tired from wobbling around all day so I just rubbed my belly while I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

When I woke up Kayden was sleeping in my lap and we were the only ones in the car making me shrug.

Everyone soon got back in the car with snacks making me start to drool.

"Here" Yb spoke, handing me a snickers bar.

I gladly took it and started to eat it before the men started to drive. I had to put my arm over Kayden since the way they were driving almost made him fall out of the seat.

When we got back to the house I was so ready to just go to sleep but knowing how Kentrell is, that isn't going to succeed.

He took Kayden off of my lap and carried him while I got out of the car and went into the house.

I sat down on the couch, struggling to take my shoes off but I eventually did it.

"Can I go to sleep?" I asked him as I looked down at my swollen feet and sighed.

This pregnant shit ain't it.

"Go in the room" he told me as he nodded.

I struggled to get up but eventually did it and wobbled in to the room and took of my coat before laying down.




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