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I sat in the room with K3 while Kentrell went to get us some food

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I sat in the room with K3 while Kentrell went to get us some food. K3 was the only child still here besides Kind of course who was sleeping at the moment while her big brother looked at her in her crib.

It was pretty quiet in here besides the show playing then I heard the room door squeak open, revealing Sheronda who smiled when she seen K3 and he ran up to her, hugging her legs.

She made her way past him and to K, she picked her up without saying anything to me low key making me feel some type of way but that's her grandchild so it's okay I guess.

"She look like Kentrell stupid ass" she mumbled to herself as he looked at Kind more.

"She look more like you though" I nodded at her while my eyes followed K3 who was running around the room.

"So I've never sat and talked to you myself" she said, sitting beside me while she still held her.

"How'd you meet Kentrell?" She asked me.

"At a concert" I told her, which wasn't all the way a lie.

"How old are you?" She continued with her questions.


"So where yo mama and stuff" she kept going before the front door opened and shit, grasping both of ours attention.

I was happy that he was here now surprisingly, maybe he could make his mom shut up and leave me alone.

I politely took Kind from her because she was beginning to wake up and I knew she was going to be cranky because she likes to eat as soon as she wakes up.

Instead of pulling out my breast because she was sitting here and it made me uncomfortable I took her to the kitchen to heat up one of her bottles of breast milk.

Kentrell came over to us and stood beside for a little while I warmed it on the stove.

"Let me get her" he spoke, putting his arms out for her.

"No, I'm bout to feed her" I told him as I took the now warm bottle off of the stove.

"But it's a bottle, I'll give it to her" he told me making me sigh.

"Here and you better not drop my baby" I told him as I let him take her out of my hands.

He sucked his teeth at me "just go get K3 so y'all can eat.



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