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When we finally made it home I was sent to my room while Damoni was sent to his and Lauran was sent to hers as well.

"So how was it?" Lauran asked while we walked upstairs.

I shrugged "we went everywhere but my house."

She sucked her teeth at me "you're such a bitch."

"And you're such a groupie" I chuckled before she pushed me down the stairs.

I hit my head so I just laid there with my face covered for a little while.

"What the fuck is going on out here?!" Kentrell yelled, coming out of his room.

Lauran tired to turn and run to her room so she would seem innocent but 3Three was already standing behind her because his room is upstairs with ours.

"Mane why the fuck would you push her downstairs!" Yb screamed at Lauran.

"What?! I didn't push her!" She lied started her teeth.

"You did push me you stupid bitch!" I yelled back making her get quiet.

"Come down here" he spoke sternly to Lauran making her eyes get wide.

She walked downstairs and he pulled her down the last three making her gasp.

"You ain't bleeding or complaining about pain so go to yo room" he told me.

I nodded and got up, going into my room.


He took me to a different room

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He took me to a different room. It was dark with only one tiny window and it was cold.

"I didn't even do anything" I argued making him force me on to the hard bed.

"You tried to kill my baby if that baby would of died and I found out that it was going to be the girl you would be next" he told me.

"But by I could be having your girl and you're putting me in these horrible living conditions" I told him.

"Bitches have babies in prison all the time" he told me.

"See I knew she was your favorite you're just using me and Damoni to cover your tracks" I spoke out of no where but it was something that was on my mind.

"I don't even know you bitches, I'm using all of y'all to get what I want so there is no damn favorite!" He raised his voice at me making me jump.

"She obviously is your favorite you keep picking her!" I yelled back making him slap me.

"She's not my fucking favorite and neither is you or Damoni!" He yelled louder.

"Yeah whatever" I mumbled under my breath.

He chuckled and nodded before shaking his head and leaving the room.



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