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When we got to Sherondas house Kentrell handed me Kind and I smiled, holding her close to me while Ayanna stood right by my side.

Starr seemed a little pissed but who the fuck cares?

Kentrell knocked on the door and Kendall opened it with the biggest smile on his face before they did some handshake and we all went in.

There was nothing special happened, Sheronda was just cooking while the boys ran around playing. Me and Yanna said hi to Sheronda before sitting down in the living room and talking to each other.

"So why don't you just come back home now or get your own house?" She asked making me turn to her and then turn to where everyone else was to make sure no one could hear me.

"He won't let me leave well he will I just can't take Kind if I go" I told her making her sigh and nod.

"Mama really missed you while you were gone, I know she didn't act like it when you showed up but you know how she is" she told me.

I nodded and then looked down at Kind who started to babble indicating that she was up.

I smiled and talked to her "hey mommy baby, you finally up" I spoke in a soft baby voice while she smiled at me.

"Let me see the baby" Sheronda loud ass yelled from the kitchen which isn't that far.

I looked over at them and seen she was making her way over here to get her making me mentally roll my eyes because I really haven't had any personal time with my baby.

"Let me see momo baby" she spoke, taking Kind out of my arms.

I sighed and sat back on the couch, low key pouting because Kind just woke up and I wanted to play with her.

A light skin girl walked downstairs and looked at me with a smile before walking over to me.

"You're Ajanna right?" She asked me and I nodded with an confused face.

"I'm Teelee, Kentrell's big sister" she told me making me loosen up some and nod at her with a smile that showed my braces before getting up and hugging her.

"Girl you look young, how old are you?" She asked loud enough for Kentrell to hear so he looked away from his food and over at us.

"17" I answered honestly.

"I'll be 18 soon though" I smiled at her and she nodded.

"This is my little sister Ayanna she's 14" I told her, changing subject.

She then went over to talk to Ayanna who was still sitting on the couch.

"So where's the baby?" She asked me making me point over Sheronda seeing the Starr was now holding my baby making me scrunch my eyebrows together before I got up and was ready to go get my baby till captain save a hoe came and picked me up.

"Bro what the fuck put me down" I told him as I pushed back from him, trying to get out of his grip.

He pulled me closer and kissed me "don't do this shit at my moms house."



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