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Kendell came back and end up taking Ayanna out with him so she could look around town which give Kentrell the perfect timing to get what he was craving so much

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Kendell came back and end up taking Ayanna out with him so she could look around town which give Kentrell the perfect timing to get what he was craving so much.

He looked over at her as she laid on the bed, watching tv. He climbed on top of her and begin to kiss her, catching her off guard but she kissed him back because she didn't feel like it would go far that was until his kisses trailed to her neck.

"Kentrell no, they could be back any minute and Kind could wake up" she told him, closing her eyes from the pleasure while she held his arms.

"I gave them money they aren't coming back anytime soon and you gave her a cereal bottle she'll be sleep for at least two hours" he told her making her sigh and nod.

She was wet already anyways so she might as well give in.

He kissed her more and begin to take of the little bit of clothes she had on off, once he had everything off except her underwear and bra he continued his kiss while she just laid there, watching him.

He stood up at the end of the bed and moved his finger in a motion for her to come over to him so she crawled over to him and sat in front of him making him smirk.

She tugged at his shirt before pulling it off of him and got off her knees, sitting while he stood between her legs before unbuckling his belt and then unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down.

She knew what he wanted but she wasn't sure if she should do that because she had never done it before but her first everything is with this man and that's the only way it would be.

She gently pulled his boxers down and took it in her hand, beginning to pump it. She looked at him while he just looked down at her with a smirk.

She put her mouth on his tip first, getting a weird feeling but she ignored it and swirled her tongue around it while holding it in her mouth and then she took it out and licked it, just doing what she felt was right.

When he wanted her to stop he picked her up and tossed her to front of the bed before kicking off his shoes and laying between her legs.

He gripped it in his hand and stroked it before placing it inside of her making her wince. He gripped her waist as he began to stroke.

He pushed deeper in making her moan louder than when he first put in and wrap her legs around him as he went down to her and kissed her more as he wrapped her arms around his neck.

He was making her feel what she was told sex would feel like the first time but neither her first or second time felt like that and this was the same person that was giving her this feeling this time.

What's the difference?



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